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Junior High

Homepage Academic Junior High
Junior High is a middle school, bridging between Hiba Academy Hangzhou Primary and Senior School, consisting of Grade 7, 8 and 9. The Hiba Junior High curriculum follows the compulsory Chinese curriculum with the addition of an adapted version of the Secondary School National Curriculum of England. The content of the Chinese compulsory education focuses on the core principles for each subject, as identified by the Zhejiang Provence Education Bureau.
Each subject has merged these core principles with the unique Hiba Bilingual model to produce a robust, broad and effective curriculum to ensure that children are prepared for their future educational success.
The Junior High Curriculum considers Chinese, Math, Science and English as core lessons and as such more time during the weekly timetable is devoted to teaching these subjects. As a bilingual school, based in Hangzhou, the curriculum also includes all the other Chinese compulsory components, such as Chinese Social Studies, alongside incorporating subjects such as English Social Studies to ensure a holistic and balanced curriculum. 
In addition to the inclusion of extra subjects, the bilingual Hiba curriculum is adapted in other ways, particularly the development of key skills.
Whilst knowledge is an essential component of our teaching at Hiba, every teacher also knows the importance of teaching and facilitating the development of 21st Century life skills, notably independence, confidence, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, respect for key values and cultural competence. Such skills are built into the fabric of the curriculum and are developed in all subjects and in all lessons. As such, the Junior High curriculum at Hiba Academy Hangzhou does not rely on one specific resource (such as textbooks) to develop the children’s learning. Instead, the curriculum is taught around the needs of the children themselves, with learning mapped out – where each pupil, regardless of their ability, engages in the development of both their knowledge and their life skills. 
In order to foster the broad aims of this diverse curriculum, subjects are taught by subject specialists in every lesson. This enables every pupil to benefit from the high level of subject knowledge that our specialised teachers deliver.  In this regard every member of staff at Hiba Academy Hangzhou is fully committed to bringing the Junior High curriculum to life.