As Wellington College Hangzhou enters its seventh year, the Class of 2025 has once again demonstrated their exceptional academic prowess with outstanding offers.
They have continued the glory of their predecessors, obtaining offers from the top 20 and other leading universities, with a growing number of pupils gaining offers to the same prestigious institutions. With the support of Wellington College Hangzhou's university counselling team, our graduates have received offers that align perfectly with their personalities, ambitions, and academic capabilities and expectations.
A total of 29 offers have been received as of 17th January. Among all the graduates, nearly half have been offered places at universities ranked in the global top 20, 70% have received offers from universities in the global top 50, and one particular pupil has been admitted to the world's number one hospitality management institution.
Pupils at Wellington College Hangzhou have received offers from numerous world-renowned universities, including the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Manchester. In addition, many top 100 global universities, such as the University of Bristol, the University of Glasgow, the University of Birmingham and the University of Southampton, have also highly recognised the strength of our graduates.
The university counselling staff at Wellington College Hangzhou prioritise quality over quantity, ensuring excellence in each pupil’s application. The graduating class of 2025 has received remarkable offers that are more widely distributed and balanced, with a broader representation of exceptional pupils.
Receiving multiple offers from the same world-class universities strongly demonstrates the growing recognition of our reputation and influence. This reflects the distinctive educational environment at Wellington College Hangzhou, where pupils are not in direct competition with one another but thrive in a collaborative and supportive learning atmosphere. They motivate and help each other succeed, earning the admiration and acceptance of an increasing number of esteemed universities globally.
These outstanding offers stem from the relentless pursuit of academic excellence at Wellington College Hangzhou.
In the recently announced IGCSE exams, pupils at Wellington College Hangzhou performed excellently, achieving outstanding results. The school's overall A*/A rate for IGCSE was 87.3%, far exceeding the UK's national average of 21.7%, setting a new record. In the A Level exams, 55% of our pupils achieved A*/A grades, while only 27% of pupils in the UK reached this standard. These results fully demonstrate the exceptional quality of education at Wellington College Hangzhou and the outstanding talents of our pupils.
It is worth mentioning Viktoria, one of our Senior School pupils, achieved a tie for the highest score globally in mathematics, deserving the honour of a true star pupil.
In recent years, Wellington College Hangzhou has continuously optimised its curriculum system, strengthened its academic team, and improved the education quality, cultivating a large number of high achievers, including Ryan, the double science national champion in IGCSE in 2023, and Joe, the national champion in IGCSE arts in 2022. Viktoria's achievement of a tie for the highest score in IGCSE mathematics not only adds glory to the school but also sets an example for other pupils.
Currently, we are still awaiting further offer results. We are confident that, with the strong academic foundation, exceptional overall qualities, and unwavering perseverance of the pupils at Wellington College Hangzhou, more exciting admission announcements will come in the new year. Let us look forward to more good news together.