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Pastoral care is central to the vision and ethos of Hiba Academy Hangzhou; it affects and influences every aspect of the educational journey a pupil experiences whilst at the School. Pastoral provision serves as the nurturing and developmental experience of the pupils in our care. Each child is unique, with individual needs, potential, limitations and opportunities. Our pastoral systems focus on the child as an individual, in order to maximise the development of their potential.
Our aim is to provide a transformative experience, fully developing each pupil’s values and identity, allowing them to thrive at the College and provide the greatest likelihood of long-term happiness and fulfilment.

Pastoral provision in Grades 1 to 9 is provided by the class teachers and tutor. It comprises a wellbeing programme that is a proactive and positive approach to personal and social development along with personal guidance and support from the teacher.


Wellbeing is supported by a number of other services available to pupils including counselling, mentoring and coaching. Each is devised to allow pupils to fulfil their potential at the College and to enhance performance and achievement through professional guidance and support.