"Words are to thoughts as swords are to warriors." Language has remained a strong tool for us to walk the world, communicate with others and spread our ideas.
After months of preparation, Wellington College Hangzhou successfully held its second TEDx Youth event, ‘The Power of Redefinition,’ which was launched, led and organised entirely by the pupils from Wellington College Hangzhou. Those undefined teachers and pupils explored the infinite possibilities of ‘definition’ with their unique thinking and insight, presenting an unforgettable feast of thought to both offline and online audiences by redefining the world and the future.
Wellington College Hangzhou has been encouraging pupils to surpass traditional definitions and boundaries and to cultivate their creativity and independent thinking skills. This TEDx Youth event was led by our Sixth Form pupil Rebecca, who has demonstrated the school value of courage by providing a stage for teachers and pupils to showcase their talents and wisdom. Their speeches showed not only their understanding of the world but also the tools they employ to shape the future.
TED is an influential non-profit international platform for sharing ideas that began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged. Numerous outstanding figures in the areas of science, art, business etc., are invited to share their insights and explorations on technology, society and humanity.
In the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading,” the TEDx program, where x stands for independently organised TED event, helps communities, organisations and individuals produce TED-style events at a local level. It aims to bring people together in the form of presentation videos and live speakers to provoke deeper discussions and stronger connections within the community. A TEDx Youth event falls within the same TEDx event rules, except this event is oriented towards youth.
*This TEDx Youth event at Wellington College Hangzhou was officially authorised by TED.
There were six speakers for this TEDx Youth event at Wellington College Hangzhou, including both pupils and teachers, each exploring different aspects of the concept of ‘redefinition.’
"How to define oneself? How to define the world? Why do we define?" These are the ultimate questions that every individual seeking the meaning of life cannot evade. Sooner or later, these questions will resonate within us, demanding our answers.
"We chose 'The Power of Redefinition' as the topic this year because it represents a belief that we can change the world. It symbolises an opportunity to rethink and reshape our understanding of various concepts, whether it involves our personal lives, social structures, or even broader ideas such as community and innovation. It encourages us to explore new possibilities and be open to change."
Rebecca, the organiser
Some looked deep into themselves, some tried to find the connection between individuals and the world, some chose to redefine failure and pass on positive vibes, some revisited their school life and inspired pupils to follow their heart, and some delved into analysis to redefine value.
Despite the different paths each person took to redefine, they all showed the same courage and determination—refusing to follow blindly, choosing to embark on the lesser-known journey to find their true selves deep within and igniting the passion in their heart.
Matt Błażejewski
Senior Admissions Officer
Wellington College Hangzhou
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness,
asking for help is a sign of strength.
Redefining My Princeton Experience.
“When prospective families learn that I graduated from Princeton, they’re impressed. What they don’t know, though, is that those four years carried a weight—unbearable at times—of anxiety and depression, grief and guilt, pain and unspeakable sadness. Fortunately, it was not a weight that I needed to bear on my own. When some didn’t believe in me—or worse, I didn’t believe in myself—an army of family, friends, doctors, mentors, professors, and therapists reminded me of the power to be found in living each day as if it were my first, embracing the wonder of opportunities at Princeton and finding strength in a loving support system that wanted nothing more than for me to succeed.”
Delphine Diamond
Early Years Class Teacher
Hiba Academy Hangzhou (Nursery)
Be your own DJ of your thoughts.
Play a new song called,
“lt's OK, l can try again.”
Redefining Failure.
Just as the old saying goes, ‘Failure is the mother of success,’ it is important to uncover from failure any value that facilitates innovation and progress. By redefining failure, we learn more from our mistakes and hone the foundation for future success. Delphine encouraged us to face failure and cherish our immaturity, imperfection, creative ideas and thoughts, and learn to coexist with failure through humour.
"After laughing, remember to respect 'failure'."
Steve Li
Wellington College Hangzhou
Any physical pleasure will end,
but the pursuit of spiritual
and intellectual enrichment won't.
Redefining Value.
What is value? Here is an answer from a website:
From a philosophical perspective, value refers to the beneficial relationship between an object and the needs it satisfies for a subject. It is a philosophical category that represents the utility, benefit or effect of an object's attributes and functions in relation to the needs of a subject.
This is an answer derived over generations by the wise of each era. In simpler terms, value is the usefulness of an object to a subject on a material or psychological level, and the simplest way for people to determine whether or not to do something is by assessing its value.
Ruhaani Lachhwa
Devansh Shivnan
Wellington College Hangzhou
Fear shouldn’t be feared.
Redefining Fear.
Fear seems to be omnipresent in our lives; every individual risks being eroded by fear at any given moment, a reason why the former French President Charles de Gaulle once said, "Fear is the source of all evil." However, it won’t be a source of evil but of strength once we can see our fear and become aware of its existence.
"Fear is a force that drives growth, the conquest of self and the protection of what we love."
Eva Akinwumi
Wellington College Hangzhou
ADHD is often portrayed inaccurately in the media.
Redefining Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a condition that has been misunderstood by the public for years. People with this condition are not deficient in attention; in fact, it is quite the opposite—they have an excess of attention. ADHD individuals find endless possibilities in what others consider as limitations and difficulties. They are creative, imaginative and sometimes whimsical.
"Knowing who you are makes it easier to like who you are."
One topic, six speakers, a 100-minute duration, interspersed with rounds of applause from the audience. Everything was organised professionally and orderly, and nearly a hundred online and offline attendees were immersed in the wonderful speeches and enjoyed a feast of knowledge.
It may take only one person to come up with a good idea, but it takes the support of the entire community to accomplish the task. It was hard to believe that such a professional event was organised by a team of just a few pupils behind the scenes.
They faced many unexpected challenges from the start. Should the speeches be bilingual? Should simultaneous interpretation be provided? How to control the costs? Who should they invite to speak: celebrities, entrepreneurs or those who have truly redefined something? What else should they offer besides the speeches?
Rebecca, the event organiser, played a critical role, overseeing the entire event with her co-organiser Renesmee. She was fully aware of how challenging it was to prepare for the event over several months, as she mentioned several times in this interview:
"Unlike the previous event, there was no financial support this time."
"Lacking experience in finding sponsors, I sought help from people around me."
"We conducted mini-rehearsals for the speakers every day, from Mondays to Wednesdays."
"My schedule is pretty tight because I have to rush to attend other classes after the rehearsals."
It was a learning process of taking the road less travelled for our pupil organisers of this TEDx Youth event, as they took the brave step out of their comfort zones, tried new things and embraced new challenges and responsibilities.
This year marks the second year for Wellington College Hangzhou to host a TEDx Youth event. Although the event had come to a successful close, the viewpoints expressed by the speakers and the ideas spread would continue to inspire every audience. We look forward to seeing more speakers share their insights with the world.
It is precisely because of TEDxYouth@WellingtonHZ, a platform that provides pupils with the opportunity to think and express their ideas, that the ideas born here will also allow society to re-evaluate the emerging strength of the Z generation.