Message from the Principal
Home-school cooperation is an important goal of our school development throughout this academic year. Therefore, since the beginning of the semester, we have continued building a more open and diversified home school relationship through parent representative meetings, coffee mornings, Meet the tutors, FOH meetings, and Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC), to name a few.
家长会是家长们更好了解学生在校的学业和成长表现的最佳途径。而家长的积极参与,将是对您孩子成长最好的支持。我特别认同家长们这样的做法——在家长会之前,仔细阅读学生的学业进展报告,做好充分准备;在家长会期间,与班级老师沟通学生的发展现状以及需要提升的领域,倾听老师们的建议,真诚协商教育策略,达成教育共识,与孩子共成长。中、小学部在前两周都已经通过邮件等家校沟通平台邀请家长们预约本周的时段来校与班级老师进行面对面的沟通, 欢迎家长们的到来。
Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs) are the best way for parents better to understand a pupils' academic performance and progress in school. Parents' participation will be the best way to support their child's growth. Parents are advised to thoroughly read their child's progress reports prior to the PTCs. During the PTCs, parents communicate with class teachers about pupils' progress and improvement areas, listen to teachers' suggestions, discuss educational approaches. In the past two weeks, Primary and Junior High had invited parents to make an appointment to come to the school for face-to-face communication with class teachers. All parents are welcome.
This week, two meetings were held with our Freinds of Hiba (FOH) to clarify what the role of FOH entails and how to collaborate fully as a community. FOH will support Sports Days and arrange several activities for Hiba parents shortly. We are looking forward to varied FOH activities.
Recently, in a meeting with G10 parent representatives, we discussed how to provide more opportunities for pupils to serve the community. Parents expect pupils to gradually assume social responsibility and contribute while achieving high-quality academic performance and development. Hiba parents' parenting philosophies are impressive and compliment our Hiba values. They are deeply rooted in our community. Last Tuesday, on behalf of Hiba Academy Hangzhou, I participated in the launching ceremony of "Transfer - Hangzhou Hiba educational innovation and public welfare" and Zhejiang normal school students' educational innovation and entrepreneurship competition. This activity aims to support the implementation of 30 educational entrepreneurship projects for normal school students in three years, empower their future education projects for the community, and encourage them to explore within the industry. Thus, we hope that the Hiba community will contribute to education development in Hangzhou and support social responsibility.
Another important goal of school development this academic year is to improve the teaching quality further. The school will hold three academic sub-committee meetings (ASC) every academic year to achieve this goal. The members of ASC include education experts from Wellington College China, WCCHZ academic leadership team and two parents' representatives. With the support of Wellington College China, ASC aims to mobilise internal and external resources and reflect on the relevant objectives to make plans and adjustments for school development. On Thursday, we held the first ASC of this academic year. During the meeting, all participants had professional discussions and feedback on all levels of teaching, which laid a good foundation for the school's sustainable development.
Ivey Wang
Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou
Sixth Form Matters
Next week is a busy week for the Sixth Form team as we welcome an admissions officer from ICN Business School in Paris and a student reading Management BSc at the University of Manchester.
位于巴黎的南锡高等商学院(ICN)是一所享有盛名的商学院,以其严格的管理课程和与欧洲各大公司的良好关系而闻名。嘉宾Helene Kang将向十年级和A Level预备课程的学生介绍ICN申请、学校课程以及巴黎的学习生活。分享会将于11月9日(周二)下午3时15分在高中部举行。
Institute commercial de Nancy (ICN)Business School in Paris is a prestigious institution well known for offering rigorous management programmes and excellent links with large European companies. Helene Kang will be speaking to our G10 and Pre A-Level pupils about applying to ICN, the courses on offer and student life in Paris. This session will be hosted in the Sixth Form Centre on Tuesday 9 November at 3:15 pm.
此外,我们将举办第二期“榜样的力量”主题系列讲座。曼彻斯特大学管理学专业的大学生嘉宾Jerry Liu将从学生的视角和我们分享他的高中经历,详细讲述他的课程选择和职业理想。和有经验的过来人的交流对学生而言将是一次十分宝贵的学习机会。
We are excited to host our second event in our 'An Audience with…' series. Jerry Liu, a Management BSc University of Manchester student currently completing online learning, will speak to our pupils from a student perspective. He will share his experience studying at high school, how he chose his course and his career aspirations. It will be eye-opening for the G10 and Pre A-Level pupils to speak to someone who has recently been in their shoes.
This session will be hosted in the Sixth Form Centre on Thursday 11 November at 3.15pm.
为了帮助学生更好地了解真实的大学生活,英国文化协会组织了一系列由大学讲师举办的网络研讨会。下周,来自德比大学法律与社会科学院的Marcus Warren将开展题为“疫情催生新变:通勤办公还有必要吗?”的网络研讨会。多年来,通勤工作已成为一种人们习以为常的方式;但在Marcus看来,通勤上班的方式如今已然过时。研讨会上,他将针对人们是否必须得有一个工作地点,还是可以采取简单的方案来应对住房高价和交通拥堵等问题,分享他自己的观点。
To help our pupils better understand what life is really like at university, the British Council has organised a series of webinars run by university lecturers. Next week Marcus Warren from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby, will be hosting a webinar titled 'The Pandemic Accelerator: do we need to travel to work?'. For years society has accepted commuting as a way of life. However, Marcus will question if this is now an outdated way of thinking. He will share his ideas on whether accepting that we must have a physically different place of work is necessary or whether we can deal with problems such as property prices and traffic congestion with a simple solution.
It is a wonderful opportunity for our pupils to engage with a university academic and collaborate with peers worldwide to discuss such a current and pertinent issue. These events aim to give students access to different subject areas in UK universities to make a more informed decision when they apply for higher education.
The session will be held online at 7:00pm on Wednesday 10 November. Please scan the QR code to register.
Hatty Leung
Head of Sixth Form
Junior High Matters
We have thoroughly enjoyed speaking to our parents about the progress of our pupils this week throughout parent-teacher conferences. Having our pupils translate, showcasing their English proficiency and confidence is terrific, and we look forward to offering further opportunities to showcase our pupils' work this term. This week, pupils have been working on developing their literacy skills in English and developing their public speaking, presentation, and entrepreneurial skills throughout dedicated curriculum enrichment days. Videos will be distributed with parents to share this learning and allow all pupils to develop an idea and pitch it to a panel.
Next week we look forward to our first theme week of this academic year. Maths week's theme this year is 'The Beauty of Maths', with various activities taking place. To conclude maths week, we are holding an open day for parents to come into school from 3:15pm to tour Junior High with their child, celebrating the outstanding work they have been completing in their subjects. We encourage your participation, which will provide an insight into the learning that your child has experienced this year.
We look forward to welcoming you into Junior High.
Laura Perry
Head of Junior High
Upper Primary Matters
The most exciting news about this week is our very first parent-teacher conference. Parents met the subject teachers in rotating appointments while the children partook in enrichment activities. The pupils participated in; kindness projects, produced wellbeing art, pottery and stretched themselves in Olympiads during the conversations.
The senior leadership team has met with more candidates for the parent liaison roles. These sessions are of utmost importance and valued by the team as we share and discuss the values and direction of Hiba school. Some of the feedback we have received has echoed the targets set out in our school improvement plan, which means that, as a self-reflective school, we are already in the process of positive change. Many suggestions have been initiated, like homework booklets, stretch and challenge and developing pupil presentations. We are also involving parents more and will be sharing detailed curriculum information with them soon to give better support at home. Our oracy and gifted and talented policies are nearing completion. The outcomes of the Theme and English lessons will be available very soon. We want to thank everyone who has attended already for their support, insight and feedback, and we look forward to furthering parental collaborations.
Not only are we talking with parents, but we also meet with pupils each month to discuss the school's vision. For example, we met with pupils this week, shared a Halloween lunch, and discussed how pupils and teachers could work together to set a good classroom climate that allows all children to learn. In addition, the children regularly approach us with their suggestions and understand we have an open-door policy: if they have any ideas, they can come and speak to us.
Upcoming events for next week include sports day. We are very much looking forward to seeing one parent for each child, cheering them on and supporting their classmates' efforts in the Pavilion. Please look at the sports weekly mail for more details of how to attend.
Tracey Zheng
Head of Primary
Lower Primary Matters
As a school that builds its foundations on holistic education, we deliver an approach to teaching and learning that focuses on the academics and social needs of our pupils. Our sports programs at Hiba Academy Hangzhou form an integral part of our school life and offer. They support our pupils in achieving excellence in academics and provide them with an opportunity to experience the foundations for a fulfilling and successful life.
学校体育部的游泳教练和老师们与学生密切合作,帮助学生体验和建立有助于其未来生活的价值观和技能,例如协作、人际交往和时间管理能力。惠立课程旨在让学生了解和认识周围的世界,体育教育是其中不可或缺的重要组成部分。 研究一致表明,身体活跃的学生不仅身体更健康,在认知或智力评估方面表现也更好。
Our sport educators that make up our PE and Swimming couches and educators work closely with our pupils to experience and build values and skills that will help them in their future, such as collaboration, interpersonal and time management. The Hiba curriculum is designed to bring our pupils knowledge and an understanding of the world around them, and physical education form an integral part of that. Studies have consistently demonstrated that physically active pupils are healthier and perform better in assessments of cognitive or intellectual ability.
Christy O’Donnell老师及其团队将在11月12日(周五)举行一场家长信息分享会,分享体育课程的教学重点、体育课的具体教学方式和评估方法。
Mr. Chisty O'Donnell and his team will be hosting a positive parenting session on Friday 12 November, explaining the emphasis of sport in our curriculum, how this is delivered and how we can evaluate and assess physical education.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Conrad Botha
Head of Early Years and Lower Primary
Sports Matters
This week saw another fun-filled week of fixtures. On Monday, the U14 girls' football team faced a solid Hangzhou International School team and unfortunately lost 3-1. Although this was the case, it is clear that our team are becoming more robust and are looking forward to the next game. We also saw our first volleyball fixture (U14 boys) against Hangzhou International School hosted at Wellington College Hangzhou (WCH). The game ended in a draw, with both sides learning new skills.
On Wednesday, the U14 boys' football team faced Basis School Hangzhou, winning 2-1. Our U14 boys' basketball team were also successful in beating Basis School Hangzhou 57-34.
Thursday saw our U12 boys' football team travel to Kings College Hangzhou. It was a challenging game. However, the WCH team were triumphant Winners (2-1).
This weekend will see our school competing in the international schools cross country event. A more detailed report will follow in next weeks' week ahead'.
Nathan Witter
Director of Sport
Performing Arts Matters
本周,初中部学生参与了“创业英雄汇”式的课程拓展项目。“创业英雄汇”(Dragon's Den)是一种由创业人员向风险投资人介绍创业想法,赢取投资资金的真人秀节目。
Pupils in Junior High had the opportunity to participate in our first "Curriculum Enrichment Project" in a similar style to the Dragon's Den programme. Dragon's Den is a television programme where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of highly successful business owners in the hope of securing financial investment from them.
To enrich our curriculum in Art, Drama, Music and ICT, and meet Chinese national curriculum requirements, Junior High pupils worked in teams to create a product that uses recycled materials that they pitched to a panel of investors.
All pupils had the opportunity to have a specific role: team leader, head of advertising, product design and creative director. First, members of each team attended short workshops specific to their positions in each of the curriculum areas. Then, they created a product and an advertisement for it.
Led by our heads of art, drama, music and ICT and assisted by our director of studies and teachers across Junior High, this project assisted our young pupils to discover new passions and talents. We are committed to preparing future entrepreneurs with solid roots in respect, courage, kindness, responsibility and integrity.
Alejandro Montoya
Director of Performing Arts
Community Matters
On Friday, 29 October, Hiba Academy Hangzhou celebrated Pink Day. All pupils and staff wore pink to show their support for breast cancer awareness. Last year, we started this initiative to introduce our pupils to charity support and show them the importance of helping the wider community. Each house hosts one charity event per year; De House organised Pink Day this year. Over the last two years, we have raised a total of just over RMB 74,000 on Pink Day. We want to thank the parents and staff who made a contribution to support this initiative. 'Xiaoshan Cishan Zonghui' and 'Zhejiang Women and Children's Foundation' will benefit from the raised funds.
Jack Nolan
PE Teacher