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每周快讯 | The Week Ahead



Message from the Principal




Welcome, 2022. I hope you and your family had a joyful winter break. We are pleased to see that after the restful holidays, pupils return with vitality and enthusiasm and are ready for the next stage of learning.


在新年伊始之际,很多人常常会制定新的计划,因为我们都希望在这样一个辞旧迎新的时间点,通过做出改变,使自己的学习或工作能够开启新方向的转折或者有更好的发展。英文中有一个短语, “to turn over a new leaf”,寓意是弃旧图新,翻开新的一页。无论我们在过去经历过什么,当下的积极行动都将使之发生改变。采取行动,是把握当下的最好方式。而一旦把握当下,我们也将翻开新的人生篇章。

People often make new plans at the beginning of the year, as they all want to change to create a new direction or improvement for learning or work. There is a saying in English to turn over a new leaf. No matter what we have experienced in the past, what we do now will change the past. The best way to live in the present moment is to take action to open a new chapter in our lives. 



We will be hosting Wellington College Hangzhou’s first-ever university fair next Thursday, a milestone in WCCH history. All G8 to G10 HSH and Y9 to Y10 WCIH pupils will participate in the event and experience one-to-one discussions with university representatives worldwide online. I believe this is an excellent opportunity for WCCH pupils to experience and help them in applying to universities in future.  



Assessment week has started in Primary and Junior High. I hope every Hiba pupil will receive satisfactory results based on their effort. 


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学校同时在进行的是春节庆祝活动的准备。春节联欢汇演、春节游园会正如火如荼地排演之中。尽管因防疫需要,今年我们暂不能邀请所有家长来校,学校仍会采用直播的方式,为家长们提供在线观看学生春节联欢汇演的机会, 共同庆祝传统佳节。

Meanwhile, we are preparing for Chinese New Year Celebrations. Rehearsals for CNY Gala and CNY Activity Day are in full swing. Unfortunately, we cannot invite all parents onsite to enjoy pupils’ performances due to current restrictions. However, the live stream will allow parents to watch CNY Gala and celebrate this traditional festival together. 



I wish you health and happiness in 2022.





Ivey Wang

Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou



Sixth Form Matters



惠灵顿杭州校区首届大学展将于下周举行。来自世界各地高校的代表将连线与我们的社群成员连线,开展线上对话。八至十年级和A Level预备课程班的同学们与升学指导老师共同努力,为与大学代表顺利开展沟通而做足准备。通过大学展,学生将对学生生活、大学学习和申请流程有更多的了解。本届大学展采取线上方式开展,学生需确保笔记本电脑电量充足,带好笔和耳机。

Next week we will be making Wellington College Hangzhou history as we host our first-ever university fair. Representatives from higher education institutions worldwide will be logging on to speak to our community. Our G8-10 and Pre A-Level pupils have been working hard with our university guidance counsellors to ensure that they are fully prepared with questions for the representatives. It is an excellent opportunity for pupils to learn more about student life, learning at university and the application process. The fair will be conducted online, and pupils have been reminded to bring a fully charged laptop, a pen and earphones. 



We are also welcoming parents of these pupils to the fair to explore higher education options with their child. If you would like to attend, please look out for further information via email and DingTalk.



It is an essential step in the pupils’ journey towards higher education as they begin taking ownership and seek answers to their questions from the universities themselves. If the university you are interested in is not in attendance, you can still talk to other representatives to learn more about their universities and their respective countries’ application systems. It is well worth noting that the more you prepare, the more you will benefit from this experience. 



Looking forward to seeing you there!



近期活动 Upcoming Event





The University of Cambridge are hosting a virtual visit for Wellington College China pupils on Tuesday 11 January from 4 - 5pm. This is a great opportunity to meet Olivia, one of the admissions officers, to find out more about the following:



Application process



Choosing your subject and college


Choosing your subject and college








Pupils from Grades 8 and above (Years 9 and above in WCIH) are invited to attend. Please kindly find the link below for access:




Microsoft Teams meeting




Join on your computer or mobile app




Click link below to join the meeting



Hatty Leung


Head of Sixth Form



Junior High Matters




We would like to wish all our families a happy and healthy 2022. We have started the year focused on celebrating our pupils’ progress this semester. All grades have completed assessments to review their learning and ensure that they gain valuable practice for their final exams in G10. 



We are proud of the achievements that they have made. Junior High parents will receive an assessment report alongside their academic report prior to the Chinese New Year holiday to inform you of the assessment progress your child has made. Next week we begin to prepare for the super Chinese New Year Gala that will take place on the last day of term.



We look forward to celebrating the pupils’ talents, which will be available for all parents online.


Laura Perry


Head of Junior High



Upper Primary Matters




Firstly, I would like to wish all our families a Happy New Year. 



It was a pleasure to see so many smiling faces return to school this week, eager to return to their studies. Although we do not have long until the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, our high expectations remain for pupils’ behaviour and attitudes towards learning. 



This week many subjects have conducted assessments to help inform their end of semester reports. These will be shared with parents on 20 January. Each subject teacher will provide a mark for effort and attainment. This will be a combination of daily performance in class, homework, informal and formal assessments. They will also provide a written comment to outline key strengths and areas for improvement. Individual teachers will then use all assessments to adjust their planning for next semester accordingly. 



We are now preparing for the upcoming CNY Gala performance and will provide more information shortly.


Charlotte Fong


Assistant Head of Primary



Lower Primary Matters



最近,我在研究“赋能(empowerment)”这一英语单词时发现,“赋能”也可以被定义为在自身和其所在社群达到一定程度的“自主”和 “自我决定”的能力。“赋能”让人以自主而有担当的方式彰显自身利益,依据自身知识和技能采取行动。《牛津词典》将“赋能”定义为“变得更强大和更自信的过程,尤其指在主导自我生活和主张自我权利方面”。

When I recently researched ‘empowerment’, I realised that empowerment could be defined as reaching a level of autonomy and self-determination in ourselves and within our communities. Empowerment allows us to represent our interests responsibly and self-determined, acting on our skills and knowledge. The Oxford Dictionary defines empowerment as “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights”.



As educators, empowering children is to guide them to feel valued, capable, confident, and realise that they are seen as the creator in their own lives and futures. However, it doesn’t mean that our children are left alone without guidance, support and direction. Children must still learn to work within expectations and guidelines set by their class community, teachers, parents, and lower primary schools. We aim to grow and develop children who make informed choices independently by themselves and identify responsibility for their actions and their impact on themselves and the world around them.


Why do we believe in empowering our children?



It develops confidence and supports high levels of self-esteem



It encourages independence



It builds resilience



Develops self-respect and respect for others



It supports lifelong learning



I wish you a wonderful week ahead.



Conrad Botha


Head of Early Years and Lower Primary



English Department Matters


As the winter chill persists, the English department stokes the fires of creativity within Hiba pupils. This week, we offer warm greetings to every pupil returning after a very well-earned December break. It was particularly fantastic to see all our classes return fully focused on their assessments and revision.


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With a new month comes new opportunities to be creative. This January, our brand-new creative writing competition invites all pupils to write a series of three poems inspired by the Chinese New Year. Celebration, family, and new beginnings are the topical starting points offered, but the English department will welcome any reflections on this very special time on the Lunar calendar. On the subject of our fantastic competitors, please scan the QR code for all the latest news, readings, and articles from last month’s writing competition winners. Hiba’s very own Dukebox Radio hosts all the exciting information. 


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As always, lunch club continues in CG309, offering pupils a weekly safe space to get involved in multiple aspects of their learning, have fun and converse with other pupils and teachers – all in English, of course. It runs from 12:40pm-1. Remember to bring your very best singing voice on Wednesdays for the KTV session.



Allister Edwards


English Teacher



Sports Matters




This week Wellington College Hangzhou hosted two fixtures against Wycombe Abbey Hangzhou. The first fixture was netball, and the U12 girls’ team played their first game. The team were a dominant force throughout, putting all of their training into practice. The score ended 27-1. Well done to Mrs. Punch and her team, training hard during extracurricular practice. The second fixture was football. The U22 boys’ team played a strong Wycombe Abbey team. However, WCH were the overall winners, 6-1. Competitive sports will continue during the next two weeks.


Nathan Witter


Director of Sport



Community Matters

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On 1 January 2022, China International School Brand Value Top 100 was officially released by KingLead. It is the 4th year that KingLead has released a China International Schools Ranking Series. The ranking aims to find schools with profound brand accumulation or outstanding achievements and characteristics in brand construction, provide reference suggestions for most families to choose schools, and help the construction and development of bilingual international schools in China.  



We proudly announce that Hiba Academy Hangzhou has ranked number 40 in the 2022 China International School Brand Value Top 100 and number one in Hangzhou.


Lindsay Bellis


Director of Admissions and Marketing



Dukebox Matters




Please click on the link below to tune into our Dukebox radio throughout the week to enjoy various shows, including “Marty James breakfast show”, “The big yellow bus show”, “Motown/Rock shows” among others - https://dukeboxradio.cn/



Don’t worry if you missed any of the live shows as you can access them on our exclusive “Listen again” service: https://dukeboxradio.cn/china-catchup/



Please have a look at the so of the content available in our podcast section: https://dukeboxradio.cn/podcast-archive/  



Here are the most recent podcasts created by our pupils and staff.


Martin Bailey


Dukebox Presenter