Message from the Principal
We hope that you have had a meaningful Qingming holiday. I am sure you have all been concerned about the recent epidemic situation in Shanghai and the unprecedented challenges we all face in the epidemic prevention situation, which has forced government departments to take stricter preventive and control measures. Starting this week, in line with the government's epidemic prevention department, schools will be conducting NAT tests for all staff and pupils to prevent potential risks in advance. Although the epidemic situation is still very challenging, we are confident that we will be able to weather this extraordinary period shortly.
At Hiba, we encourage the whole community to embrace Inspired, Intellectual and Courage values and identities and to remain optimistic even in the face of challenging times. We guide pupils to look at the good things in life and cherish the moments of growing up with family, classmates and teachers. We also inspired students to think about what we can do as individuals to help our communities by taking better responsibility for ourselves.
This week, grade 6 and grade 8 students won four Global Honours and three Global Merit Awards in the AMC8 International Mathematics Assessment. In addition, Hiba School was awarded the School Merit Award for their outstanding performance. We applaud the students for their enthusiasm for mathematics and their tireless efforts in this process.
Next week will see the Parent-Teacher conference (PTC) of the term, which we will be holding online due to the current situation. Parents will be able to communicate with their child's teachers about development over the term through this online PTC. I would also like to advise parents that to ensure smooth communication with teachers, please test the PTC platform and account in advance, according to the school's notice.
Have a great weekend.
Ivey Wang
Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou
Sixth Form Matters
Summer Course
Before pupils begin the 'business end of their revision schedules, it is worth thinking about the summer break and how this can be an opportunity to embark on a new challenge to widen pupils' academic horizons. Many universities provide courses specifically designed for high school pupils to help them continue their learning through the summer months. These are great for pupils who want to sample a subject that they do not currently learn at school, for example, Law, Medicine, Engineering and Psychology. These courses are also suitable for those who know what they love studying and want to learn more. Participation in such events can lead to a stronger university application. It clearly demonstrates a love of learning and will be an interesting discussion point in personal statements and interviews.
At Wellington College Hangzhou, we have put together a booklet comprising the best online offerings from universities and organisations worldwide. These range from 1 week to 3 month long courses and cover a wide variety of subjects such as Media and Communication, Philosophy, Sociology, Economics, Natural Sciences, Computer Science and many more. Each institution has its own entry requirements and application procedure, with most having a deadline in May. Please read through this booklet by scanning the QR code below.
如需任何协助,请联系学部助理Selma Sun(Selma.Sun@wellingtoncollege.cn)。
Please contact Selma Sun (Selma.Sun@wellingtoncollege.cn) if you require any further assistance.
活动预告 Upcoming Events
Six highly selective liberal arts and sciences colleges in the United States—Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore, and Williams—are joining together to offer you an opportunity to connect with international admissions officers, learn about the upcoming application season, and have your questions answered.
We are offering information sessions specifically for international students. Two sessions are available so that students from different parts of the world can attend at a time that works for them.
开始寻找学校 Starting the College Search:
4月28日早8点 (北美东部标准时间/加拿大时间)
28 April at 8:00am (Eastern Time US/Canada)
开始寻找学校 Starting the College Search:
11 May at 11:00am (Eastern Time US/Canada)
注册链接 Student event registration: http://surl.li/btppw
Parsons School of Design Undergraduate Information Session
本次线上信息分享会面向有意深入了解新学校(The New School)的学术课程和入学要求的学生。 招生代表将做学校介绍和本科学院介绍,如帕森斯设计学院、尤金朗文学院和表演艺术学院。
This online information session is designed for students interested in learning more about The New School's academic programs and admission requirements. Admission representatives will introduce the university and its undergraduate colleges, including Parsons School of Design, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, and the College of Performing Arts.
Date: 18 April 2022
点击链接注册 Sign up here: http://surl.li/btpuj
The University of Toronto Webinar for Prospective Students
An opportunity to learn about the amazing programs at one of Canada's leading universities
Date: 18 April 2022
点击链接注册 Sign up here: http://surl.li/btpuq
虚拟创意研讨会 Virtual Creative Workshops
Our international team and creative tutors will be hosting a series of virtual creative workshops in 2022. These interactive and engaging sessions will include practical workshops and art demonstrations to inspire you and a chance to ask questions or gain feedback on your artwork. Open to all, they are aimed at students, educators, and anyone interested in developing their creative skills.
To join one of the 2022 workshops, click the links below to learn more and register.
The Secrets of Imagination
Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick
2022年4月6日, 6 April 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名sign up here: http://surl.li/btnct
Upcycle a Men’s Shirt
Sarah Charles
2022年5月3日, 3 May 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btnde
How to Build Your Winning Portfolio
Sarah Charles
2022年6月8日, 8 June 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btndj
Colour – Your Personal Voice
Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick
2022年7月6日, 6 July 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btndu
How to Build Your Winning Portfolio
Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick
2022年8月3日, 3 August 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btnea
点击查看更多信息See here for more information: http://surl.li/btpsk
Hatty Leung
Head of Sixth Form
Junior High Matters
Before the Qing Ming holiday, Li House organised a sponsored 100km run. We are pleased to inform our community that every house completed 100km in under 9 minutes, with the winning house being Hui House. Most importantly, a significant amount of money was raised by Li House, 6998RMB, which will go to Adream, a charity in Shanghai that supports the funding of sports equipment for underprivileged schools in China. Hui House also ran their charity event during the sponsored run, raising 5544RMB for Smile Operation, which helps children in Tibet undergo the medical assistance they require when born with cleft lips.
We are proud of our pupils for their achievements on the day and the money they raised to support those less fortunate than themselves.
Next week we look forward to our bilingual literacy week, which will see a variety of events taking place and our parent-teacher conferences, where we look forward to sharing your child's progress with you so far this term.
Laura Perry
Head of Junior High
Upper Primary Matters
At Hiba, pupils are guided to make the right choices every day. As educators, we support pupils in their decision-making processes. Often this involves explaining available options and the outcomes of making those choices. The decisions pupils make have a direct and indirect impact on their lives. Pupils who are active in developing decision-making skills have been reported to be better listeners, show stronger organisational tendencies, and are better at delegating tasks in group work.
One of the most frequent decisions our pupils make daily relates to their behaviour. Our school behaviour policy outlines clear expectations for the conduct of all upper primary pupils and the rewards and sanctions available for demonstrating those behaviours. Pupils must first understand what those behaviours look like and how they are valued within the school. These are shared during weekly assemblies and our wellbeing curriculum. In addition, pupils are taught to understand the impact of their behaviour and choices on themselves and others.
Everyone values being praised and recognised for their endeavours – it is a huge part of nurturing children's self-esteem and confidence.
——保罗·卡尔达拉 Paul Caldarella
表扬有助于建立和维持积极的师生关系、建立学生的自尊心和自信心。班级“Dojo”是我们用来表扬学生积极的行为表现的方法。学生每周获得的Dojo分数都会转换成学生所在学院的分数。这能让学生为学院做贡献,培养学生的社群归属感和自豪感。 在班级教室、学科课堂、年级集会和学部集会中,我们都会积极鼓励学生的良好行为表现。近期,我们推出了表扬卡,用于表彰不断超越自我、做出正确选择的学生。如果孩子在家与您分享自己的表扬卡,也请家长们给予积极鼓励和表扬。
Giving praise helps build and maintain positive relationships and contributes to pupils' self-esteem and confidence. Class dojo enables pupils to gain individual recognition for displaying positive behaviour. Each week dojo points are converted into house points. This develops a sense of community and pride when contributing to a team effort. Behaviour is celebrated within homerooms, subject lessons, grade level and upper primary assemblies. We have recently introduced praise cards to celebrate those pupils going above and beyond and continue making the right choices. If your child is sharing the praise cards they received with you at home, please do not hesitate to encourage and praise them.
Charlotte Fong
Assistant Head of Primary
Lower Primary Matters
This week our teaching teams have been participating in moderation meetings within their classes, across year groups, and with other Wellington College China schools. The moderation of our pupil attainment and achievement data is a significant component of providing a premium quality education within our school. It allows us to verify our observations and assessment of our pupils.
Focusing on assessment is essential for the development and continued growth of our teaching and learning processes and practices. In our school, assessment is the process of gaining and interpreting information about a pupil's attainment and achievements against the Hiba key learning objectives (Klos). The information gathered is used to inform our pupils about their growth in gaining knowledge, skills and learning attitudes. It is further used to assist us as teachers in modifying our approaches and interpretation of learning. Hiba Academy Hangzhou follows a rigorous assessment and reporting process considering summative and formative assessments, sharing these findings with the senior leadership team and our Wellington College China board for further analysis and experts in supporting our next steps for every pupil in our care. Our formative assessment is ongoing and takes place throughout the learning process. Our summative assessment aims to assess the level of knowledge and the skills acquired at specific points within the academic year according to the need of the subject or program. This ensures that we continue securing the highest outcomes for all of our pupils.
Our next step in the process is the beginning of our pupil progress meetings. Our Pupil Progress Meetings are a valuable part of the school monitoring and evaluation process. They provide opportunities for our teaching teams and the lower primary, middle and senior leadership teams to strengthen the learning support.
We are looking forward to sharing with you all of our pupils' progress during this term and what the rest of the year will look like for each of our classes and pupils.
Conrad Botha
Head of Early Years and Lower Primary
English Department Matters
Literacy Week is almost here, and the English department can't wait to launch into a week full of activities that excite pupils and spread joy for reading over the Wellington campus.
The Hiba Dubbing Competition is part of the week-long festivities, which offers pupils the chance to use their language skills to act and reconstruct a narrative from a famous film. Pupils will compete in rounds with top performers to participate in the Literacy Week Assembly. Pupils can also anticipate an excellent dubbing performance from their teachers.
We look forward to inviting pupils to enjoy the 4th Floor Reading Space, supported by our JH Reading Club. All pupils are welcome to read in this cosy nook. Photos and book recommendations from the Read Anywhere Challenge will also be on display.
Also planned for Literacy Week are visits from authors, competition prizes, the creation of a book-quotation calendar and the annual Dress as a Character Day on 21 April, which sees everybody in the school invited to dress as their favourite fictional character. Please get involved and spread a love of reading across the school.
There is only one month left for pupils to submit creative writing that celebrates a personal mistake, success or opportunity. Please check out the poster below and create a piece of writing - stories (fiction or non-fiction) and poems are all accepted.
Finally, a reminder that the Thursday lunchtime English Conversation Corner has begun on the 4th floor. This was a huge hit last week - with pupils in Grade 7 taking advantage of the opportunity to chat with their English teachers.
English Department
Sports Matters
清明假期里,九年级James Z同学完成了萧山区田径比赛。这是一场萧山区运动精英同场竞技的比赛。James同学以12.50秒的成绩完成百米赛跑,在二十一名参赛选手中位列第九名。祝贺James同学。
James Z (G9) competed in the Xiaoshan district athletics trials during the Qingming festival. This trial consisted of the best athletes in Xiaoshan competing against each other. James competed in the 100m sprint and achieved a time of 12.50 seconds, placing him 9th out of twenty-one athletes. Well done, James.
This weekend will see our G9 pupils take part in Zhong Kao testing. Pupils will be tested on their power, strength and running ability skills. Unfortunately, competitions and fixtures remain cancelled due to government guidelines. However, we remain optimistic about future fixtures.
Nathan Witter
Director of Sport
Performing Arts Matters
Our pupils in music and drama from grades 9 and 10 took over the stage in our school theatre. They performed a mixed program of songs, monologues, and drama pieces to their peers.
Their confidence, hard work and skills were excellent and highly noticeable. We are proud of our pupils' achievements in all areas of learning, and it is a joy seeing them working on their artistic passions.
We want to commend and thank Mr Greer and Ms Dever, who continue nurturing the pupils' passion and hard work in music and drama.
长笛 flute: Jessica Zh
低音吉他 bass guitar: Andi W
钢琴 piano: Yichen J
独白 monologue: Kitty Zh and Queenie Zh
声乐和吉他 vocal and guitar: Yuguo R
钢琴 piano: Hanni H
九年级戏剧小组 Grade 9 Drama Group: Spencer S, Coco H, Jessica Zh, Leo Y and Mark X
Alejandro Montoya
Director of Performing Arts
Dukebox Matters
Please click on the link below to tune into our Dukebox radio to enjoy various shows throughout the week. https://dukeboxradio.cn/
Listen from 9:00-12:00 every weekday for "Marty James Morning Show", "The big yellow bus show" at 6:00, Baz's Motown Classics at 18:00, Dukebox Best Ever Song Show at 20:00 and the Rock Show at 22:00.
Please click on the link below for the full schedule, https://dukeboxradio.cn/show-schedule/
错过直播也不必担心,校园电台还有专属“回放”服务 。点击相应活动日期和时间,开启回放。
Don't worry if you missed any of the live shows as you can access them all on our exclusive "Catch Up" service. Click on the date and time of the show you missed and "Listen Again".
Please have a look at the some of the wonderful content being created by our pupils and staff available in our podcast section: https://dukeboxradio.cn/podcast-archive/
Martin Bailey
Dukebox Presenter