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每周快讯 | The Week Ahead



Message from the Principal



“Independent” is one of the five Hiba identities. We expect Hiba students to exercise their personal, cognitive, interpersonal and learning abilities to meet various challenges in education and life. This week, I want to talk with Hiba community about cultivating “independent learners”. This is also an initiative that Ms. Hatty Leung, Head of Sixth Form, mentioned in this week’s school leadership team meeting and hopes to promote in the Sixth Form in the near future. She proposed that pupils’ independent learning ability is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Self-motivation to complete classroom tasks; willingness to share in class and have unique opinions; high-quality completion of after-school tasks; review and reflect on the learning process in time; clear learning and filing system; actively expand learning, such as reading, searching information, conducting research, listening to lectures, participating in competitions and accumulating work experience.



Give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day; teach them to fish and feed them for a lifetime. The world we live in is constantly changing. When students have independent learning abilities, they “fish” more knowledge and skills in their future studies and life. The training of independent learners is reflected in the school’s curriculum, auxiliary curriculum teaching activities, teaching methods, character development and leadership training. Whether the Lower Primary provides pupils with independent inquiry learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom, the thematic inquiry and cultural courses of the Upper Primary and various learning projects in Junior High all cultivate pupils to become better independent learners through practical, inquiry and experiential learning activities. We want parents to encourage pupils to learn independently outside the school and avoid resorting to others for remedial work immediately when they encounter a challenge.



In a recent communication with parent representatives, parents expressed concern about the recruitment of school teachers. Now the recruitment of teachers for each school division is nearing completion, with most positions already filled. The school will share information about the staffing situation of each school with parents in due course.



Sincere greetings to our Hiba Community.





Ivey Wang

Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou



Sixth Form Matters


开学至今,高中部邀请了许多代表不同大学和学科的演讲嘉宾为我们的学生介绍大学生活和学科设置。这些嘉宾有的是在校大学生,有的是大学招生老师和校方代表。在校生分享了自己的A Level 学习经历、初到海外的感受和适应大学生活的亲身经验。 曼彻斯特大学管理系学生Jerry Liu介绍了学校学生宿舍的生活,为学生带来特别的启发;康涅狄格大学的Alex老师分享了自己担任招生老师的经历,为学生提供了申请美国大学的建议;不久前,伦敦艺术大学的Frances老师为同学们深入介绍了创意专业及相关课程。

Over the year, we have had a series of guest speakers present to our pupils. They represented a range of universities and subjects and spoke passionately about their courses and institutions. Our speakers have included current university students, university admissions officers and representatives. The current students shared their first-hand experiences about their A-Level studies, moving abroad and adapting to university life. Our pupils were particularly enlightened by Jerry Liu (a Management student at the University of Manchester) when he spoke about his student halls. Alex from the University of Connecticut spoke about his role as an admissions officer and gave our pupils tips on applying to US universities. Recently, Frances from the University of the Arts London gave our pupils an insight into applying for creative subjects and their courses available.



Having external speakers present to pupils is an enriching experience for our pupils. They can widen their horizons and consider universities and courses that perhaps were not on their radar initially. Engaging with guest speakers can also raise pupil aspirations; hearing what other individuals who are only a few years older can inspire our pupils to reach that little bit further to find the course and university that is best for them.



Guest speakers have included:



We look forward to hosting many more in the future.


活动预告 Upcoming Events




University of Oxford



Webinars for parents: Supporting your child’s Oxford application 


[Primarily for parents, though students can accompany]

注册链接 Book here 


研讨会将在5 月18 日(周三)的不同时段展开,内容涵盖UCAS 表格、入学考试、面试,并且安排了问答时间。若您参加过在此之前的网络研讨会,则可通过完成这个简短的问卷获得研讨会的相关资讯。

Our next webinar for parents/carers will focus on supporting your child’s application to Oxford. It will cover information about the UCAS form, admissions tests and interviews, and opportunities to ask questions. It will take place Wednesday 18 May at various times. Parents who registered for our previous webinar are asked to complete this short survey to allow them to access resources.



Webinars for students: Writing your personal statement

[仅限学生 Students only]

注册链接 Book here 


5 月25 日(周三)(多时间段)的网络研讨会主题是“写好个人陈述”,将帮助申请人了解一篇好的个人陈述的要素、课外活动的作用、以及招生官的考量标准。此次活动由留学生招生团队老师和在读留学生主持。

We are running an additional webinar series on Wednesday, 25 May (various times). This ‘Writing your personal statement’ webinar will be interactive and is designed to help students with what makes an excellent personal statement, the role of super and extra-curricular activities, and what tutors look for. It will feature staff from the International Student Recruitment team and a current international student.  



Live sessions for students will resume in September and will focus on the admissions test and interview preparation.



15 on the 15th Virtual College Fair 


Whitman, Wesleyan, Wellesley, Union, Smith, Skidmore, Sewanee, Oberlin, Middlebury, Haverford, Colorado College, Davidson, Claremont McKenna, Carleton, Bates


Sunday 15 May 9:45pm (CST)

Link here




We Care That You Care: Values Matter in Admissions


Notre Dame, Fordham, Southern Methodist


Tuesday 17 May 8:00pm (CST)

Link here





Northeast Public Schools: Preparing to Apply (U.S.)


University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania State, University of Maryland, Binghamton, University of Delaware, Stony Brook, University of Connecticut


Tuesday 17 May 8:00pm (CST)

Link here





Unifrog 大学教育展

Unifrog university fair:


Tuesday 17 May 4–6.30 pm



G8-10 and Pre A-Level pupils will have the chance to hear from experts during live panel sessions and visit university booths and chat one-on-one with university admissions tutors.



Pupils can sign up via the 'Unifrog Webinars Tool' once they have logged into Unifrog.



Participating universities



虚拟创意研讨会 Virtual Creative Workshops



Our international team and creative tutors will be hosting a series of virtual creative workshops in 2022. These interactive and engaging sessions will include practical workshops and art demonstrations to inspire you and a chance to ask questions or gain feedback on your artwork. Open to all, they are aimed at pupils, educators, and anyone interested in developing their creative skills.



To join one of the 2022 workshops, click the links below to learn more and register.



How to Build Your Winning Portfolio

  • Sarah Charles

  • 2022年6月8日, 8 June 2022

  • 上午10点 10.00am

  • 点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btndj



Colour – Your Personal Voice

  • Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick

  • 2022年7月6日, 6 July 2022

  • 上午10点 10.00am

  • 点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btndu



The Magical Banyan Book Tree

  • Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick

  • 2022年8月3日, 3 August 2022

  • 上午10点 10.00am

  • 点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btnea


Hatty Leung


Head of Sixth Form



Junior High Matters



As we move into Mental Health Awareness Week next week, it is time for us to reflect on maintaining positive mental health. Across the world, discussing poor mental health is often stigmatised and avoided. 

However, as pupils move through their adolescent years, it is common for them to experience a range of feelings and thoughts outside of their normal character. Without openly discussing these changes, pupils’ mental health can often suffer due to hormonal changes, increasing the likelihood of feeling isolated and alone. Next week, we will be carrying out various activities to promote positive wellbeing across the campus and celebrate positive mental wellbeing with all our JH pupils.



Laura Perry


Head of Junior High



Upper Primary Matters



The start of this week provided us with an opportunity to celebrate our mothers and those mother figures in our lives. Upper Primary pupils were given a chance to design and create a card and floral arrangement to give to someone important. Mother’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a reason to express respect, love and honour the contribution of mothers and their role within our society. 



Next week, we will celebrate Mental Health Awareness week. This focus of the week this year is loneliness. Finding connections to ourselves, others, and the world around us, is fundamental to protecting our mental health and reducing feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is when we feel we do not have the meaningful relationships we want. It’s something we can all experience from time to time, throughout our lives, and will be different for everyone. Therefore, it is essential to support young people in recognising when they feel lonely, understanding their thoughts and feelings, and identifying their supportive connections.


Charlotte Fong


Assistant Head of Primary



Lower Primary Matters



We are fast approaching the end of the academic year, and our children will soon begin participating in their Chinese, English and Mathematics progress assessments. 



什么是学业进展 What is progress?


Progress is the rate at which our children develop the depth of skills and knowledge to attain the set Hiba curriculum Key Learning objectives to their expected age. 


我们开展学业进展评估的原因和方式有什么?Why and how do we measure progress?


通过学业进展评估,我们可以看到学生在学年初的学业基准和学年内的学习情况,是反映学生本学年学习进展的重要指标。我们采用的英语进展测试(PTE)和数学进展测试(PTM)是由GL 教育组织研发设计的测试,用于评估学生的英语和数学能力,对标的是英国国家课程大纲。我们也会依据惠立关键学习目标,使用惠立内部的语文评估标准来检验学生的语文学习情况。

Progress is a fantastic indicator of a child’s continued success within our school, from their individual starting points at the beginning of the year and whether they are successful in school. The Progress Tests in English (PTE) and Mathematics (PTM) are designed by GL Education to assess each student’s attainment in English and Mathematics. It further benchmarks our children’s attainment against the UK National Curriculum. We will also be using our in-house Hiba Chinese assessment to measure attainment against the Hiba Key Learning Objectives. 



All teaching teams undertake Pupil Progress Meetings during the academic year after each assessment window. Our PPMs are to ensure that all pupils are making at least expected levels of progress and to identify actions for those classes and individual pupils who may benefit from a further extension of learning or may need support to achieve their very best outcomes. Your child’s class teachers will be sharing more about individual class performance and progress and what they will be working on to ensure readiness for the coming academic year. 



Have a wonderful weekend.



Conrad Botha


Head of Early Years and Lower Primary



English Department Matters



We are pleased to receive many entrants for the Wellington English Writing Competition. Hiba pupils now can get immersed in a brand-new Junior High writing competition focusing on descriptive writing. This particular sensory description is a very special and unique style; we are incredibly excited to read the work we receive! Pupils should use their imaginations to assume the role of an explorer and capture the essence of a moment in time as they observe a beautiful animal in its natural habitat. Deadline: 6 June 2022.




English Department



Performing Arts Matters



Singing is the act of creating musical sounds with the voice. Whether you sing well or not, the critical aspect is concentrating on the vast benefits singing brings to us personally and as a community. When we sing, endorphins are released, which help to promote positive feelings. This is especially true when we sing with other people. Group singing also induces the production of oxytocin (the bonding hormone). As a result, singing can reduce stress and anxiety and increase trust and wellbeing.



Singing is a vital part of our curriculum and daily lives at Wellington College Hangzhou. Through singing, we bring our pupils together, support them in talking about feelings, likes and dislikes and promote our school values. We encourage our pupils to sing any music style that makes them happy and supports their emotional development. 




SingUp is an online organisation and resource from the UK that places singing at the heart of teaching. It is one of the best in the world. Every year, they do “SingUp Day”, on which all participating schools across the globe sing a song, specially commissioned, to celebrate music, unity, kindness and many other beautiful values. These performances are then recorded and sent to the SingUp team, selecting the best submissions and creating a digital choir. 


今年SingUp日的指定歌曲是贝西·欧文(Beccy Owen)的《爱的指引》。这是一首令人振奋、鼓舞人心、积极向上的流行歌曲,探讨的主题是善良的品性和如何成为让自己引以为豪的人。这首歌的歌词温暖人心,强调只要有百折不挠的精神,善待自己和他人,就能守得云开见月明,来到光明的彼岸。

This year’s song – Love as our guide by Beccy Owen – is a rousing, uplifting, and optimistic pop anthem, exploring themes of kindness and being a person you can be proud of. Beccy’s clever lyrics acknowledge that we have all been through some difficult times, but together, with resilience and being kind to ourselves and others, we will make it through to the light on the other side.



Scan to view the lyrics



Hiba Academy Hangzhou will take part in this extraordinary project. Please take a moment to look at the beautiful lyrics and listen to the song. I want to encourage you to take this opportunity to discuss with your children the importance of kindness and love for others.




Alejandro Montoya


Director of Performing Arts



Dukebox Matters


校园电台 Dukebox radio


节目单 Schedule: 


回放服务 "Catch Up": 


博客页面 Podcast


三只松鼠 The Three Squirrels Show: 


初中部阅读写作比赛获奖学生 JH Monthly Writing Competition Winners:


中文阅读书目推荐Hiba Book Recommendations: 



Martin Bailey


Dukebox Presenter