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每周快讯 | The Week Ahead



Message from the Principal



This week we celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week with numerous activities in both Primary and Junior High to guide students to look after their mental health and learn skills and strategies to maintain a positive mental state.



To improve the mental health status of students, Hiba school has established a wellbeing system in five fields: wellbeing lessons, House system, campus activities, wellbeing evaluation data collection and research, and the establishment of wellbeing files.



As an essential form of the school wellbeing system, the wellbeing lessons are designed with a complete scientific framework and focus on coherence across all levels of schooling. The school’s wellbeing curriculum is based on six main areas: personal, social, emotional, educational, economic and mental health. To ensure a rich and comprehensive curriculum, the school’s wellbeing lessons are structured according to the cognitive ability and maturity of the students in each grade, and even within the same topic, the depth and breadth of the students’ learning vary from year to year depending on their grade level.



In terms of the teaching format of wellbeing lessons, schools arrange a variety of discussions and activities, such as concept introduction and understanding, case studies and discussion of simulated scenario presentations and student-led creative work. In addition, schools usually use teaching methods such as posters, scenario skits and reflection essays in their wellbeing lesson activities to guide students to think deeply about themselves, the class and school, their families and society. As a result, students learn to deal with problems and maintain a positive mental state through the reflective aspect of the wellbeing lessons and teachers’ help and guidance.



This week, the school has organised activities such as breakfast meetings and mental health care packages to enhance the wellbeing of the school staff. We hope that parents will also focus on mental health and care for yourselves this week and work with the school to build a more positive and uplifting Huli community.



Have a great weekend!




Ivey Wang

Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou



Sixth Form Matters


驱动力深刻影响着学生的学习和在校表现。 但是,如果不了解真正激励学生的因素、不加以正确引导,就可能会产生适得其反的效果。 我们要认识到,驱动力其实是一个很复杂的概念,被心理学家分为内驱力和外驱力两类。

Motivation plays a significant role in how pupils learn and perform in school. However, failing to understand what motivates students and not engaging them properly can have the opposite effect. Therefore, it’s important to realise that motivation is a complex concept. Psychologists identify two different kinds: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.




What is intrinsic motivation in pupils?


Intrinsic motivation is when individuals are driven to learn simply because they love learning. This may be because they enjoy the subject, are curious, or love the academic challenge. For some learners, if they are asked for their reasons for their interests, they may not be able to answer anything further than ‘just because’. These pupils are internally motivated. 



What is extrinsic motivation in pupils?


Extrinsic motivation depends on external factors. It’s doing something to gain a reward or avoid adverse outcomes. This might be for House points, a good grade, a stronger university application, or to avoid punishment. The pupils are going through the motions of learning for reasons other than because they want to satisfy their curiosity.





理想状态下,我们希望学生都是受内驱力而学习的,但因为每个人对不同学科的兴趣水平都有所差异,所以这样的希望并不现实。有时学生会同时感到内驱力和外驱力。 然而,随着学生年龄的增长、更清楚地认识到自己喜欢的科目,我们希望他们能成为受内驱力驱动的学生。

In an ideal world, we would want all our learners to be intrinsically motivated, but this is not realistic as not everyone will have the same level of interest across all their subjects. Sometimes pupils feel a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors. However, as pupils grow older and become more aware of their academic preferences, we hope that they shift towards being intrinsically motivated. 



Here are some ways to help develop intrinsic motivation in your child(ren):




Increase your child’s value by making self-advocacy an expectation



Help them experience both success and failure so that they learn to take healthy risks to get what they need to be successful.



Expect self-discipline



If your child needs bribery for simple tasks such as getting out of bed, then giving them these rewards will only make them expect them in future. They will only develop self-discipline when given the opportunities to do so.



Show what hard work can do for you



Pupils who lack intrinsic motivation do not see or experience the negative impact their mindset has on their future. Helping your child see the input required to pursue the path they desire will help give them direction and inspiration. 



The greatest gift we can give our children is the ability to thrive without us, and intrinsic motivation is the fuel that will allow it to happen!


活动预告 Upcoming Events




University of Oxford



Webinars for students: Writing your personal statement

[仅限学生 Students only]

注册链接 Book here 


5 月25 日(周三)(多时间段)的网络研讨会主题是“写好个人陈述”,将帮助申请人了解一篇好的个人陈述的要素、课外活动的作用、以及招生官的考量标准。此次活动由留学生招生团队老师和在读留学生主持。

We are running an additional webinar series on Wednesday, 25 May (various times). This ‘Writing your personal statement’ webinar will be interactive and is designed to help students with what makes an excellent personal statement, the role of super and extra-curricular activities, and what tutors look for. It will feature staff from the International Student Recruitment team and a current international student.  



Live sessions for students will resume in September and will focus on the admissions test and interview preparation.





Undergraduate Taster Series











虚拟创意研讨会 Virtual Creative Workshops



Our international team and creative tutors will be hosting a series of virtual creative workshops in 2022. These interactive and engaging sessions will include practical workshops and art demonstrations to inspire you and a chance to ask questions or gain feedback on your artwork. Open to all, they are aimed at pupils, educators, and anyone interested in developing their creative skills.



To join one of the 2022 workshops, click the links below to learn more and register.



How to Build Your Winning Portfolio

  • Sarah Charles

  • 2022年6月8日, 8 June 2022

  • 上午10点 10.00am

  • 点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btndj



Colour – Your Personal Voice

  • Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick

  • 2022年7月6日, 6 July 2022

  • 上午10点 10.00am

  • 点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btndu



The Magical Banyan Book Tree

  • Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick

  • 2022年8月3日, 3 August 2022

  • 上午10点 10.00am

  • 点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btnea


Hatty Leung


Head of Sixth Form



Junior High Matters



This week, our G8 and G9 pupils have been preparing for their end-of-semester assessments starting next week. Pupils are encouraged at Hiba always to try their best. However, we must educate our pupils that it is ok to make mistakes, that this is how we learn best, and that failure only exists if we stop trying. Assessments can be a challenging time for many; however, it is important to keep perspective and ensure that we manage any anxiety with positivity and reflection. 



Our support systems are strong in Junior High, and our tutors, teachers, counsellors and leaders are always available if any pupil needs assistance or guidance in managing their feelings.


Laura Perry


Head of Junior High



Upper Primary Matters



Effective parent-school communication


有效的家校沟通是助力学生健康成长的重要环节。在小学部高段即将启用“钉钉”作为家校沟通平台之际, 我想有必要和家长们分享一下在惠立我们如何展开有效家校沟通。家校沟通分为由学校发起的和家长发起的两种发起方式。

Effective parent-school communication is an essential part of a pupil's healthy growth. As DingTalk will be the leading parent-school communication platform in upper primary, I would like to share with our parents how we carry out effective parent-school communication at Hiba. There are two types of communication between parents and school: the communication initiated by the school and the communication created by the parents.


There are four ways of communication initiated by the school: 




Emails regarding important information from school, including letters from the Head and The Week Ahead. 



The DingTalk messages sent by homeroom teachers or subject teachers regarding teaching, school activities and other daily routines. 



Regular face-to-face communication between parents and the school each semester, such as parent-teacher conferences, coffee mornings and other necessary 1-on-1 meetings on pupils' development initiated by teachers. 



In an emergency, the school will immediately contact parents via phone calls.


The communication initiated by parents can be:




Parents can email the related teachers if parents have specific questions. Teachers will reply to parents promptly after receiving the email. If parents would like to communicate with subject teachers face-to-face, parents can also email the subject teacher to make an appointment. 



Parents can send private messages to teachers via DingTalk during working hours. Teachers will reply to parents accordingly during their available time. 


如遇紧急情况,可通过电话联系小学部学部助理胡老师 8239 6308。

In an emergency, parents can reach Ms. Hu, the primary PA, via a telephone call at 8239 6308.


研究表明,孩子最终在校期间取得的学业和个人成长取决于有效、主动的家校沟通以及家长参与学校活动的积极程度。我们非常感谢那些已经与学校保持积极正向交流的父母, 无论是你们的建议还是鼓励,对孩子和学校发展都是起到了建设性作用。也鼓励其他家长如果有任何问题或困扰可以第一时间主动联系学校,学部会尽快给予答复。我们相信通过这种及时的家校交流和对话,能帮助及时发现问题,调整行动方案,最终帮助学校走向卓越,惠及学生发展。

Research shows that effective and proactive parent-school communication and parents' involvement in school activities is vital to children's academic performance and personal growth in school. We are very grateful to the parents who have maintained positive communication with the school. Both your suggestions and encouragement have been constructive for the development of our children and the school. We encourage other parents who might have questions or concerns to contact us immediately. We will reply as quick as we can. We believe that timely parent-school communication is very beneficial to identify problems quickly and adjust action plans accordingly, which will ultimately help schools move towards excellence and benefit pupils' development.




Tracey Zheng


Head of Primary



Lower Primary Matters



Wellbeing can be referred to as; feeling at ease, being spontaneous, and free of emotional tensions, and it is crucial to securing ‘mental health’. Or better still, “like a fish in water!” High levels of involvement and high levels of wellbeing are the perfect recipes for deep learning and development. At Hiba Lower Primary School, we put wellbeing and involvement at the forefront of our minds when making decisions. Happy, excited children who feel safe and want to learn are what you can see when you walk around our school. 


鲁汶情绪健康量表的发明者Ferre Laevers教授说:“有了幸福感,就有了很多。幸福感意味着与儿童个人的社交和情感发展有关的一切都进展顺利。”

“If we’ve got wellbeing, we’ve got a lot,” says Laevers. “It indicates that everything that has to do with the child’s personal social and emotional development is going well.”



Keeping the emotional wellbeing at the forefront of our pedagogy and keeping teachers conscious of students’ emotional wellbeing, the Leuven scale intentionally identifies how best to support an individual child, a fundamental principle of Hiba School’s Lower Primary philosophy.


摘自小学低年级多元教学组组长Danielle Cook老师关于《幸福感和参与度》一文。

The section from Danielle Cook, Head of Diversity and Inclusion’s article on Wellbeing and Involvement.



Conrad Botha


Head of Early Years and Lower Primary



Sports Matters


本周六,四名学生将参加萧山区足球选拔赛,他们是来自杭州惠立学校五年级和杭州惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校的四年级学生Sebastian V、Thomas T、Darius M和Musk G同学。如能成功入选,这四名学生将代表区队参加今年夏天的比赛。祝贺同学们!

This Saturday, four pupils will attend the Xiaoshan district football trials. The pupils from grade five (HSH) and Year 4 (WCIH) are Sebastian V, Thomas T, Darius M and Musk G. If selected; the four pupils will represent the district team in upcoming competitions this summer. Congratulations to these pupils.


Nathan Witter


Director of Sport



English Department Matters


Hiba’s English department is proud to host two exciting on-campus competitions next week.




The World Scholar’s Cup will pit a range of our most gifted pupils against those from neighbouring schools in an online regional round centred around the theme of ‘A World Renewed’. Debating, collaborative writing, and general knowledge form the basis of the competition, with the winners potentially advancing to global rounds.





The NHSDLC competition offers pupils the chance to compete directly – via the internet – in a series of debates based on ‘Patent’. This fascinating topic invites pupils to consider the implications of patents on product design and whether the concept positively or negatively affects industries and individuals.

杭州市萧山区惠立学校喜报.pdf - Chinese Certificate.jpg
Hiba Academy Hangzhou - English Certificate.jpg


竞赛方面,我们也很高兴地与大家分享惠立学子在河马国际英语奥林匹克竞赛上取得的优异成绩。八名优秀的学生代表共斩获两项金奖( Steve L, Cindi Y), 一项银奖(Wes W)和两项铜奖( Zoe Ch, Karen Zh)。另外,Dora G, Angela S, Franky X同学也在该比赛中取得了出色的成绩。今年,中国赛区仅有两名学生晋级该赛事的全球决赛。我校此次取得的成绩更加值得我们感到自豪和骄傲。

On the subject of competitions, we also take great pride in reporting on the school’s hugely successful Hippo International English Olympiad. We were represented by eight fantastic students who, between them, have won 2 x gold awards (Steve L, Cindi Y), 1 x silver award (Wes W) and 2 x bronze awards (Zoe Ch, Karen Zh). Well done to Dora G, Angela S, and Franky X, who also participated and scored superbly. Only two pupils in China have made it to the world final of the Olympiad this year. These are genuinely monumental achievements that should be celebrated.




English Department



Performing Arts Matters



Our musical production is just around the corner. Seussical Jr. The Musical promises to be an unforgettable experience for our pupils and audience. 



The cast has been working hard to meet the requirements of this outstanding production. We interviewed some of our main characters.



Meet some of the casts of Wellington College Hangzhou – Seussical Jr. The Musical.


Angela J.jpg

Angela J

戴帽子的猫 The Cat in the Hat

七年级 Grade 7



The Cat in the Hat and I have lots in common: I am confident, and we are both very humorous. We like to make people laugh. I love my character. Acting like a different person makes me feel relaxed. I find some singing and dancing parts challenging, but I say, “work hard, you are the Cat… you can do it”. Being part of the musical has helped me improve my English skills. I also made new friends across the school. I am delighted to be part of Seussical.


Barry L

戴帽子的猫 The Cat in the Hat

六年级 Grade 6

Barry L.jpg

我非常喜欢 “戴帽子的猫”这个角色。他很顽皮,很有趣,还有点傻乎乎的。我很开心能成为这场音乐剧的一员,与同学和新老朋友一起投入到演出中,不会有孤单的感觉。有时我觉得自己勇气不足,面对观众时会有些怯场。这时,我会给自己打气,心想:“你可以的,你是最棒的!”。另外,参演音乐剧让我能更好地用英语与老师和朋友交流。我想,爸爸妈妈也会因此为我感到骄傲。

I love the character of the Cat in the Hat. He is naughty, funny and a little bit silly. I enjoy being part of the musical because I don’t feel alone, and others will enjoy themselves with me, like my classmates, friends, and new friends in the show. Sometimes I think I am not brave, and I feel scared facing the audience. But then I talk to myself and say: “Barry, you can do it. You are the best.” Also, being part of the musical has helped me communicate better with my teachers and friends in English. I know my mother and father will be proud of me for this. 


Rachel J.jpg

Rachel J

戴帽子的猫 The Cat in the Hat

五年级 Grade 5



The Cat in the Hat and I are naughty, chatty and imaginative. I like to trick my friends in a good way, just like the Cat in the Hat. I love that I can show my talents in the musical. I also made lots of friends from Primary and even Junior High. Some of the dance movements are challenging for me. I watched the videos that Mr Montoya gave us and practised repeatedly. The musical has helped me improve my confidence, social skills, and English skills. I am confident in talking to people that I didn’t know before. 


Kitty Zh

大象霍顿 Horton the Elephant

八年级 Grade 8

Kitty Zh.jpg


I play Horton the Elephant. He is a loyal and kind elephant. I want to be a kind and faithful person, just like Horton. This is one of the reasons why I chose to audition for Horton. I can improve my singing, dancing, and acting skills in the musical, which is very helpful because I want to be a musical actress in the future. Musicals need a loud and penetrating voice. I have found a comfortable way to sing it. I think the musical let me experience the different feelings of people with varying personalities. Of course, this musical also improved my social skills and allowed me to make many talented friends.


Lucky X.jpg

Lucky X

大象霍顿 Horton the Elephant

四年级 Grade 4



Horton is a very kind character, and I like to do things with kindness. I am happy that I am one of the main characters in the musical. I am making new friends too. I am shy and a bit nervous a lot of the time. By listening to the music and learning it from memory, I feel more confident when I need to perform. If I am a music teacher in the future, I will be able to know a lot about music.


Alice M

男孩乔乔 JoJo, the Boy

七年级 Grade 7

Alice M.jpg


Jojo and I have a lot in common, such as having many ideas. I enjoy the most pretending to be another person. You cannot express your fears on stage as an actor, so I tell myself, “Come on, you can do it, JoJo”. Through musical theatre, I have learned to express my emotions. 


Susan M.jpg

Susan M 

男孩乔乔 JoJo, the Boy

六年级 Grade 6



In the musical, my character is called Jojo. He is a thinker, like me! I think my happiest moments are when I practice with my friends and have the chance to improve my English and drama skills. I find it challenging to memorise the songs and words. At home, l practice and listen to music many times to work on this. Through the musical, I have learnt more about values such as responsibility. It supports my daily life by giving me more confidence.



Alejandro Montoya


Director of Performing Arts



Dukebox Matters


校园电台 Dukebox radio


节目单 Schedule: 


回放服务 "Catch Up": 


博客页面 Podcast


三只松鼠 The Three Squirrels Show: 


初中部阅读写作比赛获奖学生 JH Monthly Writing Competition Winners:


初三学生书评Grade 9 Bitesize Book Reviews:


历史上的这一周 This Week In History:


惠立的故事时间 Hiba Storytime:



Martin Bailey


Dukebox Presenter