Message from the Principal
This week, I was interviewed by several media to share the educational philosophy and curriculum features of Hiba School. One of the questions left a deep impression: what kind of teachers and pupils does Hiba school want to recruit?
We hope that the teachers willing to join Hiba school have an excellent educational background and master the knowledge and skills in the professional field. Meanwhile, they can always maintain the original intention of educators, practice the ideal of bilingual education with a humble attitude and an open and inclusive attitude, and set an example for pupils. “cultivating talent through virtue, kindness and integrity” is Hiba’s educational vision and goal. Hiba pupil’s learning is rooted in the deep recognition of Chinese, Chinese culture, history, self-identity and national feelings, and develop excellent bilingual academic ability; “A proud tradition. Educating for the future” looking at China and world issues through a multicultural perspective, presenting their views, and gradually forming positive values, and in the future to become a bridge between China and the world.
In the communication with Parent Representatives last week, parents mentioned that how to conduct sex education for their children scientifically has been a topic of great concern recently. This Friday, school invited a well-known youth sex education expert from Shanghai to provide a sex education parent lecture for the parents of Primary in Wellington College Hangzhou. I am glad that Hiba’s parents can abandon the traditional prejudice, face up to their children’s physical and mental development stage, and are willing to learn more knowledge and communication skills, to better understand their children, and spare no effort to support their children’s development. Hiba pupils are so lucky to have parents willing to explore new knowledge and grow up with them.
I wish you and your family a healthy weekend.
Ivey Wang
Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou
Sixth Form Matters
许多从 IGCSE 过渡到 A Level 的学生常常会说起两门课程之间的“跨越”。对于我校第一批学习IGCSE课程的学生而言,这种“跨越”是难以量化的。我见证过许多学生顺利过渡到不同关键阶段的学习,在与他们沟通后,我发现这一阶段的学生面临着一些共同的挑战,也有顺利实现“跨越”的不少共同的方法。
Many pupils who have transitioned from IGCSE to A-Level studies will talk about a ‘jump’ between the two courses. This is difficult to quantify for our current IGCSE learners when they are the first in our school to make this ‘jump’. However, speaking to my previous pupils and witnessing their progress through the different Key Stages, there was a common theme about what they found challenging and how they could make the change as smooth as possible.
那么,为什么 IGCSE 和 A Level 课程的学习会有不同呢?
So why is there a difference between studying for IGCSEs and A-Levels?
A Level 课程的学习侧重于让学生为大学阶段的学习做准备,因此要求学生具备进一步独立学习的能力。A Level阶段的班额更小,更重视学生在班级讨论中的表现,因此课前预习至关重要。正因如此,虽然A Level阶段学习的科目少于IGCSE阶段,但学生的学习量却会增加:作业的字数要求更高,各科目学习难度更大、内容更多。学生要学会合理安排学习任务,为开展后续的大学学习做好准备。
The emphasis on A-Level studies is that pupils are preparing for university-style learning, and therefore the approach requires much more independent learning from the pupils. The class sizes are smaller, so pupils’ contributions to discussions are more valued, so preparation for lessons is key. As a result, the workload will increase, even though individuals will be studying fewer subjects than the IGCSE level. Assignments will generally require higher word counts, and the content in each subject is both more challenging and greater in volume. The emphasis is really on the pupils to manage their workloads as this will help prepare them for higher education.
A Level阶段班额小,各学科每周课程安排更多,因此学生将与自己的老师建立起深厚的师生情。如果学生有不明白的地方,就要在自习时间或空闲时间找科目老师及时解决问题。
With small class sizes and a high frequency of subject lessons per week, pupils will get to know their A-Level teachers very well. The pupils will also be expected to meet their teachers during study periods or free time if they need further help understanding their subject.
万事开头难。刚开始学习A Level课程 时,同学们可能会觉得有些困难,但要相信一分耕耘,一分收获。学校全体教职员工都是学生坚强的后盾,将助力培养学生的独立能力,引导学生为大学阶段和未来的人生做足准备。
Though the start of A-Level studies may be a little rocky, the reward is certainly worth the extra effort. The important thing to remember is that all staff are here to support our pupils, and we will always help your child build their independence in preparation for university and beyond.
活动预告 Upcoming Events
Our university and post 18 options provider, Unifrog, hosts a series of valuable webinars. Pupils with Unifrog logins can access these webinars live, or watch them at a later date as they are also recorded.
Meet the Russell Group
日期 Date:
Tuesday 14 June
时间 Time:
中午12点 12.00am
活动信息 Information:
Hear from Russell Group institutions; University of Warwick, University of Southampton, University of Liverpool, and Cardiff University. You’ll learn the important things to consider when applying to a Russell Group university and what to include in your application to make you truly stand out.
Applying to Oxbridge
日期 Date:
Wednesday 15 June
时间 Time:
活动信息 Information:
The Oxbridge application process can be different from other universities. Join this interactive webinar to hear from admissions staff and current students at Oxford and Cambridge on making your application stand out and what to expect from the application process, including key information about written applications, interviews, and testing.
Lady Margaret Hall at Oxford University: Summer Programmes
日期 Date:
6月15日 15 June
活动信息 Information:
Join a Lady Margaret Hall for a Summer Programme to experience Oxford University’s world-renowned tutorial teaching system, explore fascinating subjects with experts in the field, and gain new skills to take you further in your future academic or professional career. Online courses are available.
活动链接 Link:
虚拟创意研讨会 Virtual Creative Workshops
Our international team and creative tutors will be hosting a series of virtual creative workshops in 2022. These interactive and engaging sessions will include practical workshops and art demonstrations to inspire you and a chance to ask questions or gain feedback on your artwork. Open to all, they are aimed at pupils, educators, and anyone interested in developing their creative skills.
To join one of the 2022 workshops, click the links below to learn more and register.
Colour – Your Personal Voice
Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick
2022年7月6日, 6 July 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btndu
The Magical Banyan Book Tree
Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick
2022年8月3日, 3 August 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btnea
Hatty Leung
Head of Sixth Form
Junior High Matters
Transitioning to a new grade, phase, or school can challenge pupils. Therefore we must prepare our pupils to be resilient to change and accept differences throughout their education. Aspiring to attend universities across the Globe, Hiba pupils need to be exposed to change and their confidence built to ensure that making this step feels natural and exciting. This week, Junior High transition day has enabled Grade 6-9 to experience the next Grade in their education. Grade 6 has spent the day sharing a Grade 7 timetable, moving around JH, being taught in specialist departments and getting to know our staff.
Grade 7 have moved into Grade 8 to understand the rise in expectation as they move through Junior High, whilst Grade 8 have experienced the options available for their IGCSE examinations at the end of Grade 10. As Grade 9 ends their compulsory education years, we will celebrate their graduation in our final assembly. However, they have also received guidance on the changes as they move into Grade 10 and look forward to the end of their Junior High school days.
Laura Perry
Head of Junior High
Upper Primary Matters
With the end of the semester approaching, our school is busy preparing for various celebrations. We will have our musical performance “Seussical Jr.”, singing competition, G6 graduation ceremony, and upper primary speech day awards in the upcoming few weeks. Each pupil’s image and manners show their respect and attention to these activities at these important times. I would like to remind all Hiba community members to pay close attention to the school uniform requirements. I also hope that our parents can help the school implement the school uniform policy. Hiba School has always had a very clear school uniform policy, one of the school rules that pupils must abide by. School uniform policy states that when in formal school uniform, pupils must wear a tie, black leather shoes and black socks; when in sports kit, pupils must wear black sneakers and black socks; girls must have long hair tied up; shirts must be tucked into their trousers.
School uniforms offer pupils a sense of belonging and pride, connecting our pupils with pupils in Hiba sister schools in China and pupils in Wellington college in other countries worldwide, going beyond geographic, ethnic and linguistic boundaries. Wearing a Hiba school uniform represents being a member of Hiba. Pupils’ speech and behaviour should be in line with Hiba’s values.
Under the guidance of Hiba values, we hope that every primary pupil can establish a good sense of rules from an early age, checking the school uniform by themselves before leaving home every morning and ensuring that they are appropriately dressed on campus.
Tracey Zheng
Head of Primary
Lower Primary Matters
Every year of a child’s life is unique, each presenting experiential opportunities to shape one’s future, but there is something particularly precious about the first year of primary school. In just one year, our pupils become sophisticated philosophers, storytellers with a repertoire of new words in English and Chinese, and more importantly, confident. Confidence is gained through successes, failures, safety nets and risk-taking. Our Lower Primary school is an incubator for future leaders, explorers, and innovators. Through our end of year celebration on Thursday, we came together as a community. We reflected on the journey of our youngest pupils as we celebrated the many accomplishments and challenges that turned into many learning successes.
Navigating through our first year of primary school, our teachers have worked tirelessly to prepare our young minds, using our unique approach to develop knowledge, skills and understanding. Ensuring that every child shares as a collaborative participant in their journey. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our teachers, for your hard work and commitment to our children, families and community.
I wish you a wonderful last few weeks of Grade 1.
Conrad Botha
Head of Early Years and Lower Primary
English Department Matters
我们将在不久后公布惠灵顿(中国)英语写作竞赛的结果。周五的集会上,我们公布了上一场写作比赛的获奖学生。这次比赛以想象在野外近距离观察野生动物为主题,写作类型为描述文。在激烈的竞争中,初三学生Tina L同学以精彩的行文拔得头筹,初一的Grace X同学荣获第二名。值得一提的是,四年级的Kingsley Ch同学主动提交了一篇表现力十足的作文,赢得初中部全体师生的热烈掌声。我们期待小学部的学生来到初中部后继续大放光彩。
We will announce the results of the Wellington China English Competition in the coming days. Friday’s assembly saw our final JH Writing Competition winners announced for their descriptive essays imagining a close encounter with a wild animal. Tina L (G9) clawed her way to victory amongst fierce competition. Grace X (G7) earned second. We were also so pleased to recognise Kingsley Ch from Grade 4 for taking the initiative to submit a strong and descriptive piece of writing! The entire junior high gave him a big round of Hiba applause for his achievement. We look forward to welcoming our primary pupils to junior high in the future.
On Friday, we also held Transition Day on campus, and we welcomed our current Grade 6 pupils to experience a day in junior high. So pupils across our school got a taste of the coming year in English. Our team is busy preparing for a challenging and exciting year ahead for all our pupils.
English Department
Library Matters
Maintaining pupil access to library resources during the evenings, weekends, and holidays supports our learners in their academic pursuits and their interests. The eLibrary is key to this 24/7 access and provides our pupils with many options. It is also constantly evolving, with our offerings being adjusted to meet the changing needs of our school community over time. Most eLibrary resources can be accessed using a school email and password. Where a resource requires a shared login, these are available from the library team or your child’s teacher. Over the next few weeks, I will use The Week Ahead to highlight some of our key resources. If you would like to explore the eLibrary yourself, please click here. The eLibrary is regularly updated with new information, features and resources. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the library team.
Digital books and magazines
Pupils can access eBooks and digital magazines through our EBSCO and Flipster resources. In addition, they can access thousands of hours of reading material to suit their needs using these. These can be accessed either through the eLibrary or through an APP. If using the APP, there is a shared password that the library team can provide. More information can be found here, and other information about reading resources available from the school library.
Bronwen Duffield
Head Librarian
Performing Arts Matters
This week, we introduce some more members of the wonderful cast of Seussical Jr. The Musical at Wellington College Hangzhou.
Rita X
袋鼠夫人 Sour Kangaroo
五年级 Grade 5
袋鼠夫人声音嘹亮、性格坚强。我也一样。我们都是最强大的,谁都超越不了我们。我在台上表演时,能很快地与自己扮演的角色产生共鸣,仿佛我就是袋鼠夫人一样。我非常喜欢参演音乐剧的整个过程。我最喜欢的是放飞自己的声音,在幕后与小伙伴们安静地谈天。我发现边唱边跳时,要控制好呼吸真不容易。这时候,我就会给自己打气:“没事,不难的,下一首歌之前有足够的休息时间。” 这样很有用。参演音乐剧赋予我勇气,也给了我尝试新鲜事物的机会,让我结识了许多其他人,结交了很多朋友。
Sour Kangaroo is loud and strong. I am too. We both are the greatest, and nobody can transcend us. When I perform on the stage, I can easily resonate with my character, just like I was the Sour Kangaroo. I enjoy the whole process of the musical. My favourite things are freeing my voice and chatting with my friend quietly when I am off stage. I find it a challenge to control my breath whilst singing and dancing. I always think, “Oh, that is not that difficult; I have lots of resting time between the songs.” This helps me a lot. Being part of the musical has given me the courage and the opportunity to do something I have never done before. It has helped me to meet other people and make new friends too.
Carina X
市长夫人 Mrs Mayor
七年级 Grade 7
Mrs Mayor is a person that somehow supports Mr Mayor all the time. This is quite similar to me as, when working in a team, I always help others. I also feel connected with Mrs Mayor when she educates Jojo as I help educate my younger sister, who plays Sour Kangaroo in the Junior cast. In the musical, I have met new friends like Dora, who plays Mazy and Kitty, who plays Horton. I also enjoy dancing and singing. It always seems that musical SA is the happiest time of my day. I think that taking part in the musical has helped to improve my confidence. After a while, I realised that performing in front of an audience is not such a bad thing. It has also helped me improve in Drama lessons. Singing, dancing, and acting appear a lot in our lives. It can help when speaking in front of an audience. It helps with English understanding when thinking deeply about the character you are playing.
Grace X
市长 Mr Mayor
七年级 Grade 7
Mr Mayor cares for his son, his town and The Who’s Citizens. We have similar characteristics as I care for my friends, family, and all my relationships. In my opinion, Musical SA is a great activity. I love how we can tell a story through singing and acting. I love watching others act; they are wonderful. The musical has given me many friends; some of them are now my best friends. I also get to work with my favourite teachers. Last year’s musical was terrific. I couldn’t believe the school could do such a project, so I decided to audition and be part of it. I have learned many things that I will not know in other SAs or outside the school. We learn singing, dancing and acting. I don’t feel confident at singing. However, a teacher one day told me that my singing was good. I was so happy to be commended for this. It gave me the courage to keep going, practise, and improve. Music helps us relax in life. I have improved my English skills (speaking and reading) through music. The skills I am learning now will help me for life.
Alejandro Montoya
Director of Performing Arts
Dukebox Matters
校园电台 Dukebox radio
节目单 Schedule:
“回放”服务 "Catch Up":
博客页面 Podcast:
Martin Bailey
Dukebox Presenter