Message from the Principal
As we bid farewell to the 2021-2022 academic year, I would like to congratulate all Hiba pupils on their achievements throughout this academic year.
This year, I have witnessed the growth of Hiba pupils. They have made remarkable achievements in many areas, including academics, arts, sports, public service, bilingual speech and debate through active inquiry and critical thinking in the classroom and dedicated teamwork in extra-curricular activities. What is even more commendable is how our pupils have consistently demonstrated the Hiba values of courage, respect, integrity, kindness and responsibility throughout these activities in the school and beyond. They have also displayed resilience and optimism in the face of setbacks and challenges.
I want to express my gratitude to the Hiba staff team for their hard work. Their strong teamwork and shared support have contributed to the development of the school. It has been an honour to be part of the Hiba community, to participate in and witness the school flourish.
I would also like to thank the parents for their trust and support in the school this academic year, especially the parent representatives, for their efforts in parent-teacher communication. I look forward to our continued communication as closer education partners in the coming academic year to help Hiba pupils grow and thrive together.
The epidemic has continued to be a present issue in retrospect, yet I hope we keep looking ahead regardless of the difficulties because hope is what makes us invincible.
During the holidays, we hope parents will guide their children at home to practice a healthy lifestyle, eat properly, exercise, work and rest, travel safely and use their vacation time to explore their interests and expand their horizons. We look forward to seeing you all again in the new school year.
Have a great summer.
Ivey Wang
Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou
Sixth Form Matters
在本学期的最后一周,我们为下学年即将进入高中部的学生举办了为期两天的迎新日活动。通过活动,同学们了解了学习A Level课程的方法、IGCSEs和A Level的区别,以及高中部的生活变化。 同学们对新的着装要求和新添置的厨房设施等等充满了期待。高中部生活标志着同学们将在未来两年逐步成长为独立而有担当的年轻人,并适应自己作为全球公民的角色。
In this final week of term, we welcomed the Class of 2024 into Sixth Form through our two-day induction programme. Pupils were introduced to the successful methods for studying their A Level subjects, learning the differences between IGCSEs and A Levels and what life will be like for them at Wellington College Hangzhou Sixth Form. They were particularly excited by changes such as a new dress code and the use of the kitchenette facilities. This marks an exciting start to the transition they will make over the next two years. They will become independent young adults with a sense of responsibility and an understanding of their role as global citizens.
The Sixth Form Induction programme culminated in groups of pupils giving presentations to our Master on what they believe a 21st-century education should include. For example, many believe technology and personal health should play a greater role in building life skills such as cooking. It is always wonderful to hear pupils’ views on such matters as though they are young; they have clear ideas about the future.
I wish you all a wonderful and restful summer holiday, and I am already looking forward to the start of the new year and the new phase for you.
活动预告 Upcoming Events
Navigating university admissions with a project qualification
A webinar for students interested in the benefits of completing a project qualification
13 July 2022
6pm (BST)
虚拟创意研讨会 Virtual Creative Workshops
Our international team and creative tutors will be hosting a series of virtual creative workshops in 2022. These interactive and engaging sessions will include practical workshops and art demonstrations to inspire you and a chance to ask questions or gain feedback on your artwork. Open to all, they are aimed at pupils, educators, and anyone interested in developing their creative skills.
To join one of the 2022 workshops, click the links below to learn more and register.
Colour – Your Personal Voice
Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick
2022年7月6日, 6 July 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btndu
The Magical Banyan Book Tree
Xavier Pick教授, Professor Xavier Pick
2022年8月3日, 3 August 2022
上午10点 10.00am
点击链接报名 sign up here: http://surl.li/btnea
Hatty Leung
Head of Sixth Form
Junior High Matters
All good things come to an end, a common saying in English and I am sure around the world. We want to take this opportunity to publicly congratulate every G10 pupil as they move towards the next phase of their education in the sixth form and also thank their parents who have been part of our Junior High community and instrumental in their children’s successes. We look forward to the last celebration we have with you on IGCSE results day in August. As we say goodbye to those leaving Hiba Junior High this academic year, we also look forward to welcoming the new pupils from Grade 6. Each year brings new life, developments and learning into Junior High. We hope everyone in our community has a wonderful summer break, and we look forward to seeing you in the new academic year of 2022-23.
Laura Perry
Head of Junior High
Upper Primary Matters
The Upper Primary School has had another remarkable year with much to celebrate and remember. We honoured and applauded every Hiba pupil who had made significant academic progress and achieved excellence this year at the Upper Primary Speech Day Awards Ceremony. I am also delighted to see the pupils’ tremendous progress and outstanding achievements in their end-of-year academic reports. Here at Hiba, we have high expectations for all our pupils, encouraging them to strive for academic success in a way that allows them to be creative, think independently and critically, and, more importantly, act with kindness, responsibility and integrity to serve and help others.
Upper Primary pupils made proud achievements in academic performance this year. We developed a school-wide English enrichment program to stretch and challenge those pupils who have been excelling in their English language acquisition. Pupils enjoyed spending time with senior teachers to develop a love of reading and broaden their knowledge and understanding of texts and authors. A mentoring program was initiated to develop pupil leadership skills. The senior leaders will continue working with our pupils to help them positively impact our Hiba community and the even more expansive community. The English Oracy Program is rolled out across the school throughout the year to help bilingual pupils improve their English fluency and confidence.
在数学方面,惠立学子在多个国际比赛中证明着自己的实力,包括最近在英国数学学会(UKMT:是由英国主办面向全球规模最大的数学竞赛)组织的JMC竞赛中斩获42块金牌。同时有一位六年级学生获得美国数学竞赛(AMC 8)全球优秀奖(Honor Roll 5%)、四位六年级学生获得全球荣誉奖。
In mathematics, Hiba pupils have proven their strengths in several international competitions. For example, recently, our pupils won 42 gold medals in the UK Intermediate Mathematics Competition (UKMT-JMC) competition organised by the British Mathematical Society. UK Intermediate Mathematics Competition (UKMT) is the largest international mathematics competition hosted by the UK. Meanwhile, one G6 pupil won Honor Roll (Top 5% in the world), and four G6 pupils won Achievement Roll in the American Mathematics Competition (AMC8).
Upper Primary pupils have had a fantastic experience in sports, art, music and drama learning this semester. We enjoyed a singing competition, sports day, art exhibition, Chinese New Year gala and other activities. The successful performance of the musical “Seussical Jr.” left all community members with an unforgettable memory.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all our teachers, staff and parents for their ongoing support and contributions. I wish you all a wonderful holiday.
Tracey Zheng
Head of Primary
Lower Primary Matters
As I share with you the last week ahead for the 2021-2022 academic year, I would like to thank you again for an unforgettable year and dedicate this post to our teachers and the messages they shared earlier this week.
“Through celebrating our craft as educators, we have built a school and community with a purpose that I genuinely admire. We have established ourselves as a setting renowned for offering an excellent bilingual education with a genuine commitment to developing and educating a generation of children and adults to become the very best that they can be in a way that is inspiring, unique, and unimaginable. We have not only achieved all of that, but we have established ourselves as a place that is alive, authentic, and organic, with a reputation based on a rigorous academic program and the identities that define our beliefs of education. Childhood is precious, and education is a preparation for life. It defines the person you will become.
I wish you a beautiful summer filled with meaningful memories, relaxation and rest. I look forward to welcoming you back to school in August for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Conrad Botha
Head of Early Years and Lower Primary
English Department Matters
This week, we recognise the hard work of our Creative Writing Competition winners. These pupils have worked hard to create memorable poetry, fiction and non-fiction writing and deserve praise for their effort and diligence. The quality and quantity of work submitted were excellent. Well done.
Make sure to get involved with the Summer Reading Challenge. Immersing yourself in English whilst competing against your friends will be a fun way to boost your literacy. We look forward to seeing how many points you manage to score.
Finally, as we reach the end of our final term, the English department would like to thank all the Hiba pupils and parents who have helped make 2021/2022 such a memorable year. You have all been instrumental in helping our department celebrate English across our school.
English Department
Library Matters
Summer holidays are almost upon us, and I am excited to introduce our 2022 summer reading challenge to you. This year, the theme is Read It – Hear It – Watch It to encourage pupils to explore stories in more than one format. Pupils can complete the challenge by only reading books, but they can also listen to books and watch a television or film adaptation of a book they read for the challenge to gain additional points.
Each pupil has been given a summer reading record booklet, with space to record their activities and points. Pupils can earn achievement pins and certificates by reaching either 50 (bronze), 75 (silver) or 100 (gold) points. Those who achieve a pin will also be added to a prize draw for Obido book vouchers and other reading-themed prizes.
More information, including a PDF of the summer reading record booklet, can be found by scanning the QR code below.
Bronwen Duffield
Head Librarian
Performing Arts Matters
Creativity is intelligence having fun.
Albert Einstein
Performing arts teach children language and communication skills, helping them to communicate effectively and confidently with others. In addition, Performing Arts are all about self-expression, exploring alternative options and embracing individuality.
We closed our year with the Hiba School Primary Singing Competition and Speech Awards this week. Our children showcased their superb talents and love for the arts at both events. We are so proud of what we have achieved together this year.
We completed the year with the SingUp song video recording by some children in our Hiba Primary. They sang the song “Love as our guide” with pride and joy. We will share this video with SingUp UK, an education platform based on singing that makes a digital choir every year with entries from schools worldwide.
The Performing Arts at our Wellington College Hangzhou is alive thanks to the children’s and parents’ passion and commitment.
We are already looking forward to the new academic year. We will hold auditions for our musical, orchestra, bands, dance project and other performing arts groups during the first two weeks after the holidays. So use the holidays to keep making music, dancing and investing in activities that fulfil your mind and soul.
Have a fabulous summer!
Alejandro Montoya
Director of Performing Arts
Dukebox Matters
校园电台 Dukebox radio
节目单 Schedule:
“回放”服务 "Catch Up":
博客页面 Podcast:
Martin Bailey
Dukebox Presenter