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每周快讯 | The Week Ahead



Message from the Principal




Hangzhou has bid farewell to the sultry summer and welcomed the fragrance of golden laurel. At this time of the year, Hangzhou’s beauty is everywhere. We hope everyone enjoys the beautiful Jiangnan view with their families this weekend.  



This Saturday is National Day. It is an important part of Hiba’s educational vision to cultivate pupils with a deep love for their families and motherland and an international vision to stand on the world stage. Of course, there are different interpretations of patriotism at different times. Nevertheless, no matter how time progresses, the love for one’s family and motherland continuously serves as an inexhaustible driving force for personal growth, which is also needed to realise one’s self-value, the top level in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. Wei Yuan, an enlightening thinker in the Qing Dynasty, said, “When light is only shed in a courtyard, you see a room there. When light shines up the world, you see everything in all directions.” With the commitment to our family and motherland, we are guided to see the development path of our country and society, to ascertain our life worth and responsibilities we expect to achieve with a bigger picture and higher vision. This way, we become leaders in this world to build a brighter future. 



At Hiba, the cultivation of pupils’ love for family and motherland and their cultural confidence is embedded in our daily lessons and activities. For instance, Hiba’s Chinese courses, Chinese and English social studies and even wellbeing lessons have included not only language and literature learning but also culture-theme courses for pupils to experience and think critically about the evolution of individuals and society, civilisation and history from the perspectives of history, culture and philosophy. 



After the National Day holiday, the Friends of Wellington/Hiba (FoW and FoH) will hold the first committee meeting with members from Hiba Academy Hangzhou, Hiba Academy Hangzhou and Wellington College International Hangzhou to discuss how to build closer links and interactions between members of the Wellington Hangzhou community to better support school activities and pupil development. If you would like support, please use the QR code below to fill in your details and become a parent volunteer to work with the school to build a better Wellington Hangzhou community. We look forward to your participation.




I wish you and your family a peaceful and enjoyable National Day holiday.



Ivey Wang 


Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou 




Sixth Form Matters



身为英国国际学校委员会(COBIS)的一员,我校可为学生提供参加不同活动的大量机会。未来一周中,高等教育类的活动将接踵而至。103日至7日,由为学生提供大学申请支持的大学工作人员组成的大学组织The University Guys)将举办高等教育宣传周活动。届时,学生可参加探讨多种大学和专业的线上研讨会,出席伦敦帝国学院和圣母大学等全球三十多所顶级院校举办的大学展,与大学代表会面,了解不同大学开设的专业、住宿情况和学生生活等更多信息。同学们可以借此机会研究自己未来的发展道路、发现更多的选择。请点击此处报名。 

We are in a privileged position that, over the coming week, a plethora of higher education events will be available to our pupils. Being a member of COBIS (Council of British International Schools) allows our pupils to benefit from events such as the Higher Education week (3-7 October) run by The University Guys, an organisation run by university specialists supporting young adults with their applications. Pupils will be able to attend webinars based on various courses and destinations, as well as a university fair with over 30 top institutions from all over the world, including Imperial College London and the University of Notre Dame. Pupils will meet with representatives and learn more about each university’s courses, accommodations and student life. It is a wonderful opportunity to research future pathways and discover new options. Please click here to sign up.




Upcoming Events



Please click here for details.


Hatty Leung 


Head of Sixth Form 



Junior High Matters




Time to rest and unwind is incredibly important to ensure pupils can focus during their classes and produce high-quality work. We have introduced board games and a table tennis table into our common areas in Junior High, which our pupils thoroughly enjoy. We hope all our families have a wonderful National Holiday week and look forward to seeing our pupils ready to learn on their return. 


Laura Perry 


Head of Junior High 



Upper Primary Matters




Upper Primary had two important events this week: the National Day Celebration and the first House Football Competition of this academic year. 



At Hiba, every pupil must have a Chinese heartrecognise their Chinese identity and love Chinese culture. Our pupils are expected to explore the world and life from an international perspective while based in China. To celebrate the upcoming National Day, the Upper Primary held an “Ethnic Costume” theme activity this week. Pupils dressed in traditional Chinese costumes confidently displaying the charm of traditional ethnic costumes. They have also studied the cultural customs of the 56 ethnic groups with great enthusiasm in their Chinese classes. In the weekly morning assembly, 4A pupils held a show with the theme of “Celebrating the National Day and Looking to the Future”, performing a variety of programs such as poetry recitation, Guzheng, Chinese dance, band performance and chorus, which were not only expressed their love and blessings to the motherland but also reflected the values and identity of Hiba such as respect, inclusive and responsibility. Based on the local community, Hiba pupils will inherit and carry forward the excellent Chinese culture and tell the Chinese story to the world. 


杭州惠立有“惠、贤、立、思、德”五个学院。 从本学期开始,小学部每个学院将有一位自己学院长负责。学院活动和学院生活让学生在集体荣誉感和团队合作中获得天然的身份认同。例如,在本周的学院足球赛中,学生自豪地穿上学院专属颜色的服装,他们与学院荣辱与共,为学院的荣誉而努力。未来每个学院将形成独特的身份认同,在丰富的校园生活中与其它学院开展良性竞争。学生既为所属的学院自豪,也为其他同学的出色表现和才能鼓掌喝彩。 

Hiba Academy Hangzhou has five Houses: "Hui, Xian, Li, Si and De". Starting this semester, each House in the Primary will have its own House Master. House activities offer pupils a natural identity with a sense of collective honour and team spirit. For example, pupils proudly dressed in their House’s exclusive colours at this week's House football competition. In the future, each House will develop a unique identity and engage in healthy competitions with other Houses in the richness of campus life. As a result, pupils will both be proud of the House they belong to and applaud other pupils’ outstanding performance and talents. 



Tracey Zheng


Head of Primary





Lower Primary Matters




This week we discuss the fourth Hiba value – respect. In England, we say ‘respect is earned, not given, which means that it is not something you can force people into doing. Respect is often used to represent the position, but it is frequently confused with an imbalance in power. For example, we might reasonably expect children to listen quietly to a story in class or the teacher’s instructions, and that is respectful behaviour, but this is because it has wider connotations – the teacher is undertaking their appointed role and cannot do so if someone is causing a distraction, other children also want to listen and not have the story ruined by someone else. These are certainly expected respectful behaviours. However, what is not when a child only shows ‘respect’ for an adult or another person because they fear the consequences or because they know there is no other option. 



Respectful behaviour means being able to appreciate another person’s point of view, even if we disagree with it. We may challenge the opinion but do not resort to personal attacks.   

For a child to respect an adult, they first need to understand the concept of being respectful but secondly to be shown it and to have it modelled in life. For example, there is no harm in a child questioning a teacher - an adult may be incorrect on occasion, and a child will only learn how to speak respectfully if they are responded to in a respectful manner. It does not preclude boundaries and occasions when an adult may need to be firm and direct in response to unacceptable behaviour. However, when a child can understand why adults respond the way they do, they are far more likely to model this themselves. 


Sophie Brookes


Head of Early Years and Lower Primary




English Department Matters




Thank you to everyone who joined us for the curriculum evenings to learn more about our pupils’ language journey over the upcoming year in their courses and language immersion opportunities. Having a holistic vision and well-rounded educational programmes lays the necessary foundation for this future generation to thrive – but the true secret of Hiba’s continued academic success and popularity among the student body is its extracurricular activities and opportunities that genuinely stretch and challenge each student to their full potential. Learning does not stop when the bell rings at the end of a lesson. 




We encourage pupils to take advantage of these opportunities to develop their language skills, critical thinking, and cultural literacy. We encourage young writers to participate in our monthly JH English Department Writing Competition during the Golden Week holiday. This month’s task challenges pupils to reflect on the benefits of the Arts and their importance at our school, as every pupil is taking or has taken Arts classes. We look forward to our pupils’ submissions.  



Upon returning from the holiday, we encourage our pupils to attend the English Conversation Corner in our newly launched JH Reading Area. It is the perfect opportunity for pupils to practice and advance their conversation skills – ideal skill building for pupils in both English as a First Language and English as Second Language pathway. In addition, conversation Corner allows pupils to converse with teachers from around Junior High on various topics that put our pupils’ speaking to the challenge.  




English Department 




Library Matters




With the October national holiday upon us, I want to take a moment to remind parents that there are eBooks and digital magazines available in the eLibrary.  


 EBSCO 电子书 EBSCO eBooks


读者可通过浏览器与手机客户端使用EBSCO电子书资源。EBSCO K-8 电子书提供大部分工具书,EBSCO也提供部分一些小说。更多相关信息,请点击此处。 

Our EBSCO eBooks resources are available both in a browser and through the EBSCO app. EBSCO K-8 eBooks are perfect for many of our pupils looking for information books. EBSCO also has some fiction titles available. More information can be found here



Flipster 数字杂志 Flipster Digital Magazines 



We now have ninety-one magazines available through Flipster Digital Magazines. These range from titles for younger pupils to literature and current affairs magazines for older pupils. Like EBSCO eBooks, these can be accessed in a browser or app. More information can be found here.  




Follett 电子书 Follett eBooks 


今年,图书馆推出Follett平台的电子书资源。该平台提供专为我校学生精心挑选的书籍,读者可通过Follett Destiny系统(我校图书馆编录系统)登录平台并使用。目前的藏书中有许多熊猫图书奖的提名作品。您可点击此处,进入Follett Destiny平台。 

This year, we are introducing eBooks on the Follett platform. These are books picked specifically for our pupils and are available through Follett Destiny (our library catalogue system). Current titles include many of our Panda Award nominees. You can access the Follett Destiny platform here




获取电子书和数字杂志 Accessing eBooks and digital magazines 



When accessing EBSCO and Flipster through a browser, the pupils can log in with their school email and password. When using the app, there is a shared password, which is available from the eLibrary password file here. Pupils must use their school email and password to access the file.  


学生们可以使用邮箱账号和密码,登录Follett账户,进入Follett 电子书页面。更多相关信息,请点击此处 

Pupils have access to their Follett accounts, and Follett eBooks, using their school email and password. More details can be found here



Ms Duffield 


Head Librarian





Performing Arts Matters




This year, we offer our pupils more opportunities to perform and share their skills and talents with our school community. We celebrate the passion for performing arts and the time invested by pupils, parents and teachers. 



As the Golden Week approaches, I want to encourage our pupils and parents to listen to music that inspires and promotes values like respect, kindness, and courage. So during these National Holidays, take a moment to enjoy the benefits of singing songs, new and old, or playing a musical instrument. It would bring happiness to you and those around you.



Get ready for what is to come during this semester for Performing Arts at Hiba Academy Hangzhou. Soon after the National Holidays, we will release information regarding the following events.

  • 小学低年级、小学高年级和初中部的表演艺术音乐会
    Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Junior High Performing Art Recitals
  • 杭州惠立学校年度钢琴演奏家
    Hiba Academy Hangzhou Pianist of the Year
  • 新春庆典
    Chinese New Year Gala



Once again, the performing arts department thanks you for your continuous support in everything we do with our pupils. Together, we shine!



Alejandro Montoya    


Director of Performing Arts    



Sports Matters



Fixture results 

     Nathan Witter 


Director of Sport 




DukeBox Matters




Please click here to tune into our Dukebox radio to enjoy various weekly shows.   



Listen from 9:00am-12:00am every weekday for “Marty James Morning Show”, “The big yellow bus show” at 6:00am, Baz’s Motown Classics at 18:00pm, Dukebox Best Ever Song Show at 20:00 and the Rock Show at 22:00. 



Full Schedule here.


错过直播也不必担心,校园电台还有专属回放服务 。点击相应活动日期和时间,开启回放。

If you miss any of the live shows as you can access them all on our exclusive "Catch Up" service. Click on the date and time of the show and “Listen Again”.  



Please look at the wonderful content created by our pupils and staff in our podcast section.



This content can also be found on our dedicated app. 

  • 安卓用户可点击此处下载软件。
    For Android users, please click here
  • 苹果用户可从软件商店搜索Dukebox下载软件,如需下载链接,请点击此处
    For Apple users, please search Dukebox in the apple store. Link is here.

Martin Bailey


Dukebox Presenter