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每周快讯 | The Week Ahead



Message from the Principal

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Responsibility is one of five Hiba values. As a member of the Hiba community, we are constantly thinking about pupils, school, and families duties.


Our school vision, cultivating talent through virtue, kindness and integrity, has clarified the educational responsibility we adhere to in the community. In Hiba school, we create a diversified and inclusive campus culture for our pupils. By implementing an integrated Chinese and Western curriculum, we cultivate lifelong learners with an "independent spirit, free thought and responsibility". Every pupil's personality is respected, and curiosity and creativity are encouraged here. Varied school activities unlock pupils' potential.

美国教育家Ken Robinson在其广为人知的TED演讲中提出,现在的教育体系培养学生的方式,就像工业社会最初对环境的开发方式一样,更多从“功利性”的角度出发。但随着科技的不断革新,未来的社会将变得更加无法预测,而唯有培养学生的创造力,激发学生内驱力才能帮助他们在不确定的未来有所作为。我建议大家有机会可以听一听他的演讲“学校是否在扼杀创造力”。

During Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk, he mentioned that the current education system trains students in the same way as the development of the environment in the industrial society, more from "utilitarianism". However, with the continuous innovation of science and technology, the future society will become more unpredictable. Only by cultivating students' creativity and stimulating students' internal drive can we help them make a difference in the uncertain future. I suggest that you would watch his speech "Do schools kill creativity?"


Although Hiba Academy Hangzhou is still young, we have a solid value foundation and follow the excellent educational philosophy of integrating China and the West critically to undertake our responsibilities better. Let the school become a place for pupils to grow up freely so that every child can have the opportunity to bloom in their field. This is why Hiba School is full of excitement and high expectation.



Ivey Wang

Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou


Sixth Form Matters


上周,康涅狄格大学国际招生主任(中国区)Alex Hu为高中部同学们开设了讲座。Alex是康涅狄格大学校友,向我校九、十年级同学们详细讲述了校园生活和大学的数百门课程,强调了找到 “合适”大学和以快乐的心情攻读大学学位的重要性。Alex强调,世界排名固然是难以忽视的一个因素,但并不是决定申请个人大学申请的最重要因素。要在大学学习中取得成功,地理位置、校园规模、设施、社交生活和学生支持等因素甚至会有着更大的作用。

Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Alex Hu, International Admissions Officer (China) from the University of Connecticut. As an alum, Alex spoke passionately about campus life and the hundreds of UConn courses. He told our Grade 9 and 10 pupils about the importance of finding the right ''fit'' university and that this was crucial to being happy while studying for an undergraduate degree. Alex highlighted that it could be challenging to ignore world rankings, but it is not the most critical factor when making university choices. Instead, elements such as location, campus size, facilities, social life and student support play a more prominent role in the path to success at higher education.

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A large part of Alex's job includes reading thousands of applications from high school students and deciding which ones are awarded offers. He noted that being captain of a sports team or a pupil leader was not enough as the vast majority of other applicants would also hold these positions. Therefore, his top tips on making an application stand out were to be unique, give details and make it personal so that he can get an idea of who the applicant is and how they could fit into his university. 


We are lucky to have admissions officers share their perspectives and insights on university applications. The advice they give our students can provide them with a competitive advantage over other applicants. It is certainly worth listening very carefully and taking notes from their presentations.

我们的下一场分享会将于11月8日(周二)举行,演讲嘉宾是来自法国南锡高等商学院(ICN)的招生官Helene Kang。

Our next visit from an admissions officer is Helene Kang from ICN Business School in France on Tuesday 8 November.


Please also see below for upcoming webinars.

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  • 15所文科类大学的每月15日分享(美国)

    15 on the 15th (U.S.) 


Whitman, Wesleyan, Wellesley, Union College, Sewanee, Smith, Skidmore, Oberlin, Middlebury, Haverford, Colorado College, Davidson, Claremont McKenna, Carleton, Bates 


Monday 15 November 9:45pm (CST) 

Link here 


  • 安大略艺术设计学院:线上开放日

    OCAD University: Virtual Open House 


15 - 26 November 

Click Here 


  • 博科尼大学:时尚管理公开课

    University of Bocconi: Fashion Management Open Class 


Tuesday 16 November 11:00pm (CST) 

Click Here 


  • 亚太地区:2021年线上大学展

    Destination Asia Pacific: Virtual University Fair 2021 


16 - 20 November 

Click Here  


  • 伯克利中国活动(美国)


    Berklee China Event (U.S.) 

    Berklee College of Music 


Friday 19 November 9:00pm (CST) 

Link here 

Hatty Leung


Head of Sixth Form


Junior High Matters



Sharing our learning environment and journey with you through our open day this week has been fantastic. We hope that you have had time to witness the brilliant work taking place during Maths Week. For those of you who were unable to join us, this is a summary of the pupils' work:

  • 图形之美——学生们学习了几何中的分形并运用学到的知识制作了海报,展示分形形状。

    Beauty of Shapes – JH pupils learned the definition of ''fractal'' and used what they learned (ratios, similarity, trigonometry) to illustrate fractal shapes. 

  • 数字之美——我们进行了三个数字游戏,分别是:数字逻辑,二十四点和数独。

    Beauty of Numbers –3 maths had: finding the patterns, 24 points game and sudoku.

  • 转换之美——学生们学习了如何在十进制数、二进制数、八进制数之间进行相互转换,理解等量转换背后的原理和意义。

    Beauty of Conversion – JH pupils learnt how to converse among base 2 numbers, base 10 numbers and base 8 numbers, and the background and use of different base numbers.

  • 推理之美——头脑风暴!培养了学生的逻辑推理和解决问题能力,提高了学生在数学语言和逻辑推理方面的沟通能力。

    Beauty of Reasoning – Brainstorm time! Logical reasoning problems for pupils to discuss and find solutions. Developing pupils' communication skills in mathematical language and analytical reasoning skills.

我们自豪地宣布,杭州惠立学校在上周入围了三项英国学校奖,分别是:全人教育奖、赋能学生奖、教师发展奖。这是对我们教学质量的高度肯定与赞扬。上周,Helen McCann老师代表惠立学校领奖,我们感到非常自豪。

We are also proud to announce that Hiba Academy Hangzhou was a finalist for three British Schools Awards last week; Holistic Education Award, Empowering students Award and Teacher Development Award but went on to win the Teacher Development Award. It is a testament to our teachers and school's continued professional development and progress to ensure the highest quality of teaching. We were incredibly proud to watch Miss McCann collect this award at the ceremony last weekend.


In addition, we will be attending the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award Ceremony next month after one of our pupils has won the Top in China for her Cambridge IGCSE. We are incredibly proud of all our pupils and their achievements.


Next week we look forward to our annual Sports Day. Parents are welcome to spectate the events. We are running an English Meet the Teacher event alongside Sports Day to ensure that all parents can understand our English curriculum, homework policy and expectations alongside your child's progression in English. Please sign up to meet your child's English teacher if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity.

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Laura Perry


Head of Junior High


Upper Primary Matters

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Hiba pupils play a vital role in our school. As a senior leadership team, the pupils are at the core of the decisions we make. This year we are focusing on developing the role of student leadership in upper primary. We believe that pupils should have the opportunity to be involved in decision making and take ownership of their learning. Research suggests that when pupils engage with a leadership program, it positively impacts their capacity to learn.


Daily, our staff teams involve pupils in making decisions. From a pastoral perspective, pupils designed a class charter during induction and set an agreed criteria for classroom rewards. Academic lessons provide opportunities for pupils to shape their learning and assessment criteria whilst developing skills to self and peer assess. Within our school community, pupils get the chance to nominate themselves to be class representatives. It involves presenting to peers and being elected to speak on behalf of the class. Class representatives meet regularly with the management team to share the views of their peers and be involved in decision making. We also have monthly student voice lunches where pupils meet with leadership team members and provide feedback on all aspects of school life.


All pupils need to experience leadership opportunities to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities, and achieving tasks effectively. It also provides a chance to learn to identify and display effective communication and interpersonal skills.


Next week, we will hold our annual sports days for the upper primary. Wednesday 17 November for grade 3 and Thursday 18 November for grades 4-6. It will be an excellent opportunity for pupils to display their leadership skills alongside their sportsmanship and team spirit. We look forward to cheering on each house in the various event throughout the day.



   Tracey Zheng

Head of Primary


Lower Primary Matters

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Developing pupil wellbeing during their primary years is more than just helping children to achieve better academically. A child's wellbeing could be the key to lifelong happiness. Our aim as a school is to understand the role we play in supporting and influencing the emotional wellbeing of our pupils during their time in our lower primary school. At Hiba School, we prioritise the promotion of both student and staff wellbeing as a critical strategy to support better outcomes across all stages of development.


We focus on four key areas within our school to foster a sense of building an ''emotionally literate'' community of learners. These are:

  • 积极的人际关系,这是我们学校发展的核心,积极的人际关系包括充满包容性和支持的文化。

    Positive relationships lie at the heart of our school, and they have an inclusive and supportive culture.

  • 强烈的使命感,我们与所有利益相关者都享有共同的价值观和愿景,朝着相同的目标共同努力。

    We have a strong sense of purpose, shared values and vision with all stakeholders working towards the same future goals.

  • 社群成员间分享对独立和自由的理解,这对社群成员生活的方方面面产生了积极而重要的影响。

    We share a sense of independence and freedom in understanding as a community which influence essential aspects of our lives.

  • 我们对所有学生都有很高的期望,有明确的界限和规则。

    We have high expectations of all children, and there are clear boundaries and rules.


As a school, we recognise that the complete experience of school life contributes to the emotional wellbeing of everyone within our community.


I wish you and your family a mindful weekend with the wellbeing of everyone at the forefront of all that you do.

Conrad Botha


Head of Early Years and Lower Primary


Sports Matters



This week saw another busy week of fixtures. The first fixture took place on Tuesday, where the U12 touch rugby team continued their winning streak. The team beat Basis Hangzhou 5-1 in a thrilling game. On Wednesday, the U15 badminton team competed in their first tournament of the season. They were triumphant winners placing first in both the singles and doubles (boys and girls). On Thursday, the U14 girls' volleyball team travelled to Hangzhou International School. It is a new sport introduced to our sporting programme, and the girls were defeated but they did incredibly well against an already established team. Next week will see our sports days take place; we are incredibly excited to see all of our pupils participate. Please sign up to spectate and cheer on our pupils!

Nathan Witter


Director of Sport


Performing Arts Matters


At Hiba, performing arts is at the heart of our curriculum. We aim to provide opportunities for our pupils to find new passions, experience new disciplines and develop skills. Furthermore, through music, dance and drama, we can provide pupils with the tools to enrich and support their journey in this ever-changing world.


Throughout the year, we provide our pupils with the opportunity to perform and share their talents. If your child is a confident musician, dancer or actor, please email me at alejandro.montoya@huilieducation.cn and share some details about their skills and talents.


Preparations are underway for the much anticipated Chinese New Year Gala. This event aims to bring our school community together, honouring Chinese New Year, culture and bilingualism. The audition process will commence next week to perform at this extraordinary event.


Please save the date:

  • 一至三年级:1月20日(周四)

    CNY Gala Grades 1, 2 and 3: Thursday 20 January

  • 四至六年级:1月20日(周四)

    CNY Gala Grades 4, 5 and 6: Thursday 20 January

  • 七至十年级:1月21日(周五)

    CNY Gala Grades 7, 8, 9 and 10: Friday 21 January

Alejandro Montoya


Director of Performing Arts


Community Matters



Yesterday, four staff members, Nana, Fei, Will and Hilary, attended the 40th Anniversary celebration of - China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese in Xiaoshan.


They presented the Wellington spirit and values in front of a large audience of government officials of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou city and many more friends from the local community who all have an international background.

赵慧老师表示: “能出席这样一场高级别活动,我们感到非常自豪,也倍感荣幸。”

Hilary commented,  We felt extremely proud and honoured to participate in such a high profile event.”


At the event, they made connections with many organisations that wish to establish links with Wellington College Hangzhou further. In addition, the event aimed to welcome all Wellington staff into the local community to help our team build a strong sense of belonging, stay, enjoy, and develop the city together with the locals.

Lindsay Bellis


Director of Admissions and Marketing


Dukebox Matters


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请点击此链接 聆听校园电台节目“马蒂·詹姆斯早餐秀”“黄鼻子车秀”“摩城/摇滚秀”等等内容分享。

Please click on the link to tune into our Dukebox radio throughout the week to enjoy various shows, including "Marty James breakfast show", "The big yellow bus show", "Motown/Rock shows", among others.


Do not worry if you missed any of the live shows, as you can access them on our exclusive "Listen again" service.


Please have a look at some of the great content available in our podcast sectionHere are the most recent podcasts created by our pupils and staff.

  • 三只松鼠:链接 

    Three squirrels: click here 

  • 幼儿园积极养育家长工作坊:链接 

    Nursery Positive Parenting Workshop: click here 

  • 说历史: 链接

    History Podcast: click here

  • 惠灵谈集会:链接

    WellingTEN Assembly: click here 

  • Andy W同学聊《一拳超人》角色: 链接 

    Pupil Andy W talks about anime character "One Punch Man": click here 

Martin Bailey


Dukebox Presenter